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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. To lose one anti corruption advisor would seem unfortunate….
  2. Wonder who wrote this for her? … not wrong tbh…
  3. If he wins tonight but gets a coating from his colleagues is there a chance he’ll go to the country? 🤔
  4. He’ll likely win, but so did May and she was gone a few months later….
  5. I was going to say it about Gemmill but thought the same….he’s got enough problems as it is tbf, living in a tent after his 7th divorce can’t be easy
  6. Don’t know about you mate, but me and the current Mrs PL are at work well before and after the times there’s generally kids in the school. Also, it’s entirely in keeping with your curmudgeonly Yorkshire persona to seemingly have issues with the sound of primary school children playing outside
  7. No, I’m just a cunt We’re moving a mile and a half, much bigger gaff, off road parking, huge garden, two bathrooms etc etc, as quiet as a grave too due to only one side of the road having houses, the other side backs on to school playing fields ….in the same road as an old mate who I played Sunday football with in the 90s, his missus has just got over a course of chemo for breast cancer, they’re in the Bahamas at the moment, understandably now making every second count, it’s going to FUCKING GREAT
  8. Got back from the in laws about 4 pm just in time to see some of the neighbours huddled beneath a couple of shitty Homebase pagodas during a glorious early summer monsoon, outside the home of a couple of rug munchers who last year parked a couple of cars in front of our house for a fortnight when they were selling them. The new people from the rental house across the road from us were there, she’s at least 25 stone, he’s got facial tattoos. Couldn’t see the woman from next door to us, the one who has been sending us letters of complaint about the noise our ferocious devil-like blood curdling fuckin cockapoo makes, in a similar vein to every single shitty passive aggressive conversation we’ve had with her in the seven years we’ve been here, where everything we say to her is immediately run through her sad, lonely mind, which she then verbalises so we understand immediately how this thing we’ve mentioned will affect her; “YOU’VE GOT A DOG? I HAVENT HEARD IT”, but she’d have undoubtedly been there, these social fuckin outcasts are precisely her people.…..anyway, as you can imagine, we’ve had our mortagage offer through and the survey on our new home is being done next week, we’ll probably be gone by the end of July, thank fuckin Christ If these are the local Royalists then those Scotch/German parasites up in London are in real fuckin trouble… I hope they all got fuckin soaked …. (The lad on the other side pulled up in his T5 just after us, he’s great , so is his senior nurse practitioner missus who has worked 12 hour nights at Poole Hospital throughout the pandemic. He dived straight into his house too, no sign of the two lasses from directly opposite either, one has just turned 50 and told us she was going out Thursday/Friday/Saturday with a succession of increasingly unsuitable men, one of whom plainly bats for the other side…she seems happy enough though, she’s likely just getting up…the other girl is similar age but far more reserved in the nicest way, she completely belies the title of the old song “I’ve never met a nice South African” she’s lovely ,as were the couple who lived there till this time last year, who are the only neighbours I’ve ever had who I was disappointed to see move, but they’re not far away and we’ve been out for outlandishly expensive Sunday lunches with them on a fairly regular basis . l add this just in case you think we actually live in some sort of south coast outpost of the third circle of hell )
  9. There’s a lot to respect in Ferguson’s story…his biggest achievement is arguably breaking the duopoly of that pair of fuckin pantomime dames from Glasgow with Aberdeen….the way he treated officials always stuck in my throat though, “seeking to gain an advantage” to say the fuckin least …. I dare say Clough would’ve put him in the sane bracket as Revie teams’…
  10. White socks??!! £3.99 for 23 pairs @ Sports Direct
  11. This is the street party/almighty piss up later in the day, possibly the most 70s photo in existence 😆
  12. Me and my sister are both in this one
  13. Jubilee 77/V 1.0/OG…my parents helped organise this, that’s my old man’s lorry…..my sister has put loads of these photos on Facebook today…have to say they’ve made me a tiny bit emotional… .
  14. He scored a great goal in that to be fair..
  15. Just wartched the first two, which appear to be set in 1975, the year of their first gig at St Martin’s Not bad, very Danny Boyle which can only be a good thing…the lad playing Rotten is excellent… Also watched the first couple of OWK…. pretty good too, funny watching McGregor trying to do a young Alec Guinness
  16. Yeah cheers for that Barry fuckin Norman
  17. the kid on the other end is Wrightson, he popped up on that Facebook group to say who the other lad was but I couldn’t remember what he said
  18. Is it? The other kid in that pic was Jeff Wrightson?
  19. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/newcastle-uniteds-class-1985---8650918 Not in the youth cup squad by the looks of it…
  20. Wasnt the lad who replaced Digne in January at EFC an Ukrainian left back? 🤔
  21. “The law of unintended consequences part 183,721,309”… https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-30/sterling-risks-existential-crisis-with-em-parallels-bofa-says
  22. Lots to agree with here, Johnny Nick…. https://www.football365.com/news/champions-league-diminished-before-bt-sport-boyband-aesthetics
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