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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Never heard of one of them let alone seen one before
  2. My old man was there 56-58 on national service…think he’d agree the young lady here . It was basically Vietnam but with G & T’s in the officers mess
  3. Don’t disagree with much of that but we’re living in strange times… we don’t have to think his motives were noble and decent to recognise that in the digital age this is the way investigative journalism will often be done. The way he delivered his data was his downfall…. If he’d been taken the data to the Guardian or the NY Times he’d been hailed a hero as much as Chelsea Manning is…. and Hilary’s emails would very likely been withheld , meaning we might not have got Trump …
  4. @sammynb I’ve had a good musical week…
  5. Am uncategorisable. Am the subject of an anthropological study by Harvard post graduates
  6. How did you enjoy last night?…. fuckin hot wasn’t it? For me last night was one of the best half dozen gigs I’ve been to….he didn’t seem to want it to end & neither did the crowd…he’s a phenomenal performer. I saw him In the 90s at some festival and enjoyed it but this was several levels above that
  7. Put this in here due to Patel’s decision…. I’ve always been a bit ambivalent about Assange but Oborne nails it… his colleagues appear to be sniffy about him because in their eyes he’s “not a real journalist” iyam https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jun/17/britain-julian-assange-extradition-priti-patel-us?CMP=share_btn_tw
  8. I don’t identify as any UK based regional sub ethnic group due to my unique heritage. I do however identify as 100% MAG
  9. I think this is worse than Brexit tbh. Trust this disingenuous fuckin arsehole to be all for it
  10. Oh… https://news.sky.com/story/prime-ministers-ethics-adviser-lord-geidt-resigns-12634638
  11. Hard times for our former schemer https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-61811817
  12. It’s a good point, Starmer had better have some info on Labour’s immigration policy ready for PMQs later, or he might do his usual thing and ignore it and talk about something completely different …this is how the tories stay in power…
  13. The whole thing becomes clear now, Patel saying she’s “surprised” at the intervention….is she fuck, completely designed to remove UK from ECHR rules…..other notable non members?….Russia & Belarus 🤮 I’d say this was another step down facism lane but it’s actually a giant fuckin leap…
  14. Players’ player of the year appears to be “Krafty”
  15. Man City have just accepted they’ll pay > 60 mill for anyone
  16. Peru & NZ for me like…. sorry @sammynb 😆
  17. Arron Banks loses libel claim against Observer journalist Carol Cadwalladr Shed alleged he financed the Leave.EU campaign to the tune of 8 million with money given to him by the Russian state…judge found it was in the public interest despite CC offering no actual evidence and and NCA investigation that found the same NCA did however point out that the evidence is locked up in an Isle of Man bank account that they have no jurisdiction over…
  18. Bollocks man let’s just see what happens eh? /thread
  19. I often read stuff like that on twitter and have no clue where all these source tweets come from…. Someone in a WhatsApp group started babbling on about Almiron’s release clause last week…that led to the traditional internet assessment of the player (either shit or world class, Miggy is apparently the former) which led to me basically suggesting that he should shut the fuck up and wait and see what happens and stop reporting the most inane bullshit rumours from wankers in their mum’s spare bedrooms. No one has spoken to me for a week now, think I’ve been removed
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