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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Wasn’t the rise announced specifically to help the NHS? National Insurance rise to be reversed in November https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62998661
  2. Heard it on LBC. Ed Milliband ripped Rees Mogg a new one too, re introducing fracking is against a specific 2019 Tory manifesto commitment. And there’s this…..
  3. Cunts want to make their minds up then https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/sep/21/fracking-wont-work-uk-founder-chris-cornelius-cuadrilla
  4. Applying hugely pressurised water in an underwater situation is fairly different to doing it on dry land though…
  5. Aah yes…. good old Arthur…. they say at the start of the 84/85 strike he had a large union and a small house, by the end he had a large house and a small union…
  6. Completely agree about Nuclear. Fracking however.. https://www.wilderness.org/news/article/truth-about-fracking-and-environment#:~:text=Hydraulic fracturing%2C or “fracking%2C,wild landscapes%2C and threaten wildlife. https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/fighting-climate-chaos/issues/fracking/environmental-impacts-water/
  7. Fracking may or may not be safe, but as far as I can make out we don’t have enough of the correct type of rocks in the UK to make it worth the outlay for the likes of Cuadrilla
  8. deutsche bank should be in the dock too , they bankrolled Trump after he was bankrupt in the early 90s
  9. The best chance of jail time is the ultra top secret documents he took whilst president and transported to his resort in Florida without permission. Some dude on the News Agents pod cast (if you like chummy media types giving each other nicknames and about 10 mins of actual content it’s a banger ) said it’s virtually impossible to get docs like these off the premises so it’s made me wonder if the Trump goons have got to the security staff…he’s fucked by that alone I think but civil lawsuits as long as your arm pretty much stop him from running in 2024 so it’s all good 👍
  10. Even that may make some bottle it…lots of careerists rather than people who want rid of the tories in the Labour parliamentary ranks… if they’re in a safe seat why rock the boat in an attempt to see the fuckers off?…
  11. The electoral annihilation of the Lib Dems after getting into bed with the tories May prevent this on both sides….just a thought, tbh fuck knows..
  12. He may have done last time out…. I read it in a few places that he favoured Sunak..even that senile old fucker can see the ERG are bad news
  13. If Labour does back some form of PR at conference I think that could be a major line of attack for the tories at a GE “Labour are destroying 1000 years of democracy in these fair isles” etc etc and the same gimps that swallowed Brexit will lap it up….
  14. Alison from “Alison’s starting to happen” was one of your mob too…not sure if any of the smudge dudes get a writing credit on IASAR but they should do….it’s not remotely similar to the Ekastica/Wire or Nirvana/Killing Joke thing though, Dando and Tom Morgan were collaborators
  15. Some on here may be pleased to hear this….
  16. Yeah it’s immense, really looking forward to it. Bit of a “bucket list” gig for me, never seen him before, he’s a fuckin hero. Definitely the best Spurs fan ever to draw breath Dando is a bit if a dick, saw him during his cross dressing phase nearly 30 years ago. They’re doing “it’s a shame about Ray” start to finish, regardless of Dando’s attention seeking it’s a great album, and I sort of associate it with the first invaders of the heart album, I think they cane out roughly the same time? Both brilliant…
  17. @sammynb Am seeing Lemonheads on October 12 in Southampton….no doubt your bass drum friends are on the bill too… Jah Wobble tomorrow night in Fareham
  18. The Ghillie in the boat with them last series when Paul caught a salmon at the junction pool in Kelso is an old mate, Gav
  19. Fuck knows what this country will look like by the time of the next election…this lot have taken their gloves off and fuck all is going to stop them
  20. She’d not been able to fuckin walk for about two years as far as I can make out
  21. More places for the tories and their fuckin bent mates to launder their filthy ill gotten gains? My man Kwasi K has got your back https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/sep/18/kwasi-kwarteng-to-announce-network-of-low-tax-investment-zones?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
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