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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Like I’m a fuckin expert on where over muscled hammer throwers are currently playing …. my advantage over Dave & Gemima the fuckin glory hunter is I’ve seen the cunt play with my own eyes at least 4 times and can give a first hand account of his abilities
  2. Dave, you told me you needed a spread sheet to tell you that ASM was a better player than Traore ex of Wolves now Barca
  3. All I’ve said is xG is patent bollocks and the TT nerd herd can’t handle it. Fuckin rattled by common sense. It’s a good job Putin didn’t invade the northern suburbs of Newcastle upon Tyne, it’d have been a fuckin walkover
  4. I don’t give a fuck about data, I’ve never spent a day in bed Ill with a cold or flu until the first week in December 2019. A month later they were welding peoples doors shut on them in Beijing
  5. As far as me & my father in law can make out it arrived in early December 2019
  6. He’s in bbc breakfast announcing now to the intern, think his name is John? 🤔 ”we’ve listened” Fuck off you disingenuous cunt
  7. Kwasi supposed to be addressing conference today, “no turning back” was apparently the message
  8. Maybe it’s that she stays and Kwarteng is forced out? She stabbed him in the face on this precise issue in her interview with Kuensberg yesterday
  9. Fair play to Speedie, wee angry ginger prick
  10. I took the dog out for a walk. 90 mins of Haaland is fuckin scarier than that Geoffrey Dhamer doc on Netflix 😱
  11. She’s an acknowledged adulteress, and also apparently shared the current Chancellor of the Exchequer with the former Home Secretary Amber Rudd 😒
  12. They’re being wilfully fuckin ludicrous now
  13. https://www.skysports.com/premier-league-highlights/video/36504/12709455/fulham-1-4-newcastle-premier-league-highlights?dcmp=FulhamvNewcastle2022VOD
  14. Ome thing making an accurate assessment of how a game is going, it’s another to be needlessly & miserably pessimistic 10 hours before kick off
  15. Youve watched decades of unadulterated fuckin shit and this is the hill you choose to die on? So much to be positive about but a few injuries and it’s “WAAAH WUH FUCKIN SHITE MAN AH CANNIT BELEIVE IT MAN 200 MILL IN A YEAR AND WUH STILL SHITE MAN!!!!” I don’t understand it. Anyway, stick your Mitro posts up your arses, this is the kid who’s going to haunt us today…
  16. Ukraine applies to join NATO on the same terms as recently joined Finland & Sweden…same day as Russia “formally” annexes four areas of Ukraine… will that end the war? 🤔
  17. Correct…he was 16…. I gave into temptation and looked it up, the 4th midfielder was Luis Fernandez
  18. I don’t remember anything of Euro 84 (just the semis & the final were on tv?? I was 15 but I think that summer was spent chasing girls from the next village of exceedingly easy virtue 😉) but I saw a comment on Facebook which said that Zidane would’ve struggled to get in the French side in 84 as their midfield was so well balanced which sort of inspired me to have a mooch on YouTube… Six, Tigana & Battiston were the others?
  19. Platini will forever remain an Olympic standard wanker but he was a fuckin great footballer https://youtu.be/IU9S9oaa-AU
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