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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. My old man on the right and his mate Tam on the left. Must be at the depot in Berwick because they spent two years in the Malayan jungle in rather less clothing…
  2. Some conscripts of my acquaintance, some time ago
  3. Honourable mentions for Dostoyevsky, Nabokov and Kate Bush’s 1980 single “Babooshka”
  4. Geet high up chief Yosser met her manservant in London earlier too 👀
  5. Here, read this. It explains it all for the hard of thinking…I mean you could’ve googled it yourself. Every single zoomer that I’ve come across who subscribes to the sort of nonsense you’re obviously partial to has told me Hitler was a Socialist because he was in the National Socialist Party, every single one of them https://www.britannica.com/story/were-the-nazis-socialists
  6. Well yeah, I think Gloom said one of his cousins was draft dodging in Israel when it kicked off?
  8. No. Parky was a poster on here with all the same theories that you have. Most of us are aware of the circumstances of the removal of the former President of Ukraine . I for one don’t want to go over old ground especially in a thread which is specifically about the likelihood or not for conscription in the UK and scenarios which might lead to it. There’s a Russia/Ukraine thread if you want to look in there
  9. So we let Putin with his pet orange chimp in the Whitehouse win?… and he’ll stop there will he? I don’t care about much these days but I think Putin & Trump pose a massive threat if/when that cunt gets back in. But as you say I expect we’ll just rollover and let a sovereign nation be taken over by its neighbour by force. Politicians will get client media to write the opinion pieces justifying it and that’ll be that…
  10. If Trump gets in he’s handing Eastern Ukraine to Russia. So who then stops him taking the whole of Ukraine? US will be out of NATO by then. And if the US aren’t in NATO is the UK unilaterally going to nuke Russia?…. on Rabbie Burns birthday I’ll just say “ah hae ma doots”…
  11. If war in Ukraine hasn’t caused a nuclear catastrophe so far it’s highly unlikely that scenario will ever now occur iyam We've seen in the last 20 years that UK & USA/NATO will commit boots on the ground should the circumstances be deemed advantageous. Army recruitment is pitiful backed with the continuing Tory cuts to critical defence spending, if we’re to commit resources to other flashpoints around the globe that’s going to be difficult if most Divisions are committed to Ukraine The General’s comments yesterday come from the same place as the thinking behind the Nightingale Hospitals during the pandemic; plan for worse case scenario. If it’s not used, fine. Ex Army officer Tobias Elwood utterly skewered Johnson on this. There isn’t going to be a nuclear incident re Ukraine, it would’ve happened by now . There could well be a land war in Eastern Europe spreading westwards though and military figures are petrified that we wouldn’t be able to commit & cope
  12. Whats the scenario where NATO or Russia fire a nuclear missile at the other side? We’re in a proxy land war with Russia as it stands, if 75% of all human assets end up involved in Ukraine how does the UK fulfill military commitments elsewhere across the globe?
  13. Well he’s not a Haaland clone because apparently he’s an attacking midfielder . The fellah who came from citeh to run our recruitment may think he’s ready for the first team? 🤷🏻‍♂️🤔
  14. For it to be worth our while he would’ve had to have hit the ground running. Seeing as he’s not played for two seasons if he’d have been able to properly play Eddie ball before mid March I’d have been amazed
  15. Or he’s heard they’re bringing a keeper in? 🤷🏻‍♂️🤔
  16. Madison : we don’t play with a 10 (you know this) Diaby: They went for other positions and after Miggy’s decent showing last season stuck with him (you know this too) We can get an idea of what’s going on via the press but do you actually know if we bid for either of these? Youve listed the mitigations why we didn’t sign KP, do you not think any of them actually stand up to scrutiny?
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