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Everything posted by farnie1993

  1. Bored in school.... Not long before the summer hols n want to pull the best prank EVER ...any ideas?
  2. Wouldn't mind seeing more of Krul TBF If the deal is good let Given go i think. a few mil and a player I agree actually yer we should get johnson and a few mil, only doubt is johnsons fitness he seems to get injured alot like the rest of our squad
  3. Shouldnt be that bad, at least he's a proven prem player and not a crap over rated foreigner
  4. lets all stop laughing at the 15 year old whos gunna fail english or... or ill not be happy lmaoooo
  5. lets all stop laughing at the 15 year old whos gunna fail english
  6. For people to tell there funniest stories of whats happend to them
  7. Share the funniest thing that has happend to you or a mate .
  8. If you want to see screenshots of the home beta or you want any info about it please ask.
  9. my favorite player, gutted he wants to go
  10. Ill be getting little big planet for sure; played the beta and loved it. i have Fallout 3; amazing game Resistance fall of man 2; definatley getting this, also played the beta and online its amazin Motorstorm 2; i wouldnt reccomend , got the beta and it seems every little knock will throw you from the bike/atv and the trucks seem to be going about 2mph COD,WAW; Is even better than COD4, had the beta but it ran out today unfortunatley. FAR CRY 2; crazily good graphics, its a hard game though.
  11. PS3 AND 360 (WONT BE ON THE 360 AS MUCH) mines - FaRnIe
  12. PS3 all the way to buy a new hard drive 120gb is as cheap as £30 but to buy a 120gb for the 360 is over £50 at the cheapest. Also sony plan to keep the ps3 for at least 10 years before bringing out a new console.
  13. PSN ID: FaRnIe USUAL GAMES: I like FIFA09 Burnout paradise and COD4 most but gta4 is ok
  14. Geremi and Butt? Neither Guthrie or Barton? i want barton out and i actually would rather guthrie than geremi at the moment yeah lol
  15. id say: Given Beye Collocini Cacapa Enrique gutierrez Geremi Butt Charlie Owen Martins
  16. 5 worst signings??? Post your thoughts
  17. lmaoooooo i mooved to washington a munth ago u ctun i hate it
  18. Giv us ya thoughts lads n lasses !! whats your number 1 toon chant???
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