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Everything posted by farnie1993

  1. Never mind, I worked it out
  2. I can't honestly think of any other reason to turn down Milan and Werder Bremen...was there anyone else?..Liverpool?..hate saying it, but they're all more attractive than us at the moment.And didnt his agent say that they were told to find a new club (i.e. us) and he wasn't allowed to go because Milan wanted to pay cash now rather than a loan? It all points to us offering the most dosh for me. We're paying some players 50k+ a week. No player coming in is reportedly on more than 25k. But Mike Ashley could also say the moon is made of green cheese and it would be about as truthful coming from that fuckers gob. Based on nowt then. Fair enough. That bold bit makes no sense either, L'OM wanted to sell him outright and not loan him to us. It was reported in the french press that firm offers to buy him were on the table. It seems other clubs were in for him but he had his heart set on coming to us. No one knows for sure but nothing i've read since the end of July has suggested we were offering massive wages and thats why he was coming to us. I could equally put forward the view that he has been a life-long fan and has always dreamed of playing for NUFC. In fact that (daft) opinion is actually supported by the fact that he is with us. As you say, we don't know for sure, but for me money motivates some players more than the glory of champions league football. Or as mentioned the likes of Milan and Bremen passed and he came back to us with his tale between his legs last week. Well if you want to look at it that way then there is nothing to prove you arent right (just seems less likely to me) but i take the point about modern footballers in general. My optimistic view is that he wanted a team where he could shine, a sporting challenge in a new league to escape the constant media attention in France and the non-stop debate over his actions on and off the pitch. I also want to believe that we are profiting from the Shepherd era where this club was elevated to the top tier of European football, we signed Ginola and Robert, we established connections with great European clubs and the reputation of our support is known amongst people who Ben Arfa is known to have discussed the move with (Cantona) and those who live in Marseilles in the summer (Beye, Cisse). Thats mostly pure speculation from me, apart from the Cantona bit. I think he has looked at us and seen a fit. Whether he can live up to his reputation (as a gifted footballer) with us remains to be seen. Interesting angle reg Beye and Cisse and another thing, to French players of this type the ambience of a club is as important as its stature, a starlet like Bafra thrives on the right kind of supporter and the right kind of passion which is what we almost alone in the PL are all about. I've travelled around Europe a fair bit in the last ten years and people are very happy to talk about Newcastle as much as say a Liverpool, we are still carrying that certain aura that excites certain kinds of players. I think he has looked at us and fancies running the midfield, I might add I would rahter have him than Nasri who is similar, but not as gifted. On the comments page on Le Figaro today some were saying far better than Nasri. Also was interesting seeing their comments about us, some bad but some very good with one lad criticising the 'descendents' of Newcastle (critics) saying that our downfall was due to the stupid owner and we are one of the few clubs with the ability to break into the top 4. Bit over the top but as you say, shows the lingering reputation of the club (which we have the previous board to thank for). A few people on here need to let go of their emotional baggage and enjoy the fact that we've brought in a mad/bad/crazy/creative bit of gallic flair. Its going to be fun. Agreed. He's certainly more gifted than Nasri, but perhaps lacking a bit on application. Wenger doesn't throw many words around and his comment on Bafra (Maradonnaesque) speaks volumes. He really has everything that his postion/s require and properly supported withing the club and made to feel wanted and taken to heart by the supporters ( I have no doubts about that) we really have ourselves that rare thing: a magician. wow. Another Tony Green, now that would be nice. Fitting then he'll debue against Blackpool. but he's on loan, meaning he will fuck off I'm very positive unless an insane offer comes in we can keep him for a few seasons and hopefully he'll enjoy it so much he'll also WANT to stay. Anyway can we enjoy this for a few months? Just adding to the quote pyramid. abit immature that like i would say
  3. Here's a link of the thing i need to do, currently doing bridging work in-between GCSE and A-Level and some stuff is like nothing ive been taught. I know abit about quadratics but nothing in depth at all just how to do the simpler versions. If any of you can do the bottom question and tell me the method it would be canny like. cheers http://i38.tinypic.com/28m3h92.jpg
  4. think am gunna get one of them guns from boots like... i have a portable radiator so that is keeping the fermenting warm for now cheers the sodastreams from Boots are not for beer barrels. Either go to a homebrew shop, or get the small gas pellets from Boots. gas pellets it is
  5. think am gunna get one of them guns from boots like... i have a portable radiator so that is keeping the fermenting warm for now cheers
  6. Well me and a friend have got a kit, its our first time of home brewing and its in my house fermenting now.... I cant decide between buying a 5 gallon pressurizer or just using old bottles after sterilising and capping them. I don't know what the differences, pros or cons are for each of them. Does one give it bubbles or is it more flat in another? I don't have a clue
  7. GERRRIIN ! 1.3, 8-valve Fiesta, opinions? and yeah before you's comment on it.. you can see my shadow taking the picture of it.
  8. i think you should go fuck yourself
  9. if you look at the signings that mancini is making for man city he is making the team very similar to the team when he was managing inter milan... 4 big defenders all over 6 foot definatley... all of these fit in: boateng, kolarov, richards, and kompany has been playing centre back for them too... and they are after david luiz (he looks a top player like) thats just an example of what he is doing with the defence but if you look at the type of players he had at inter milan steven ireland just wouldnt fit in, so he is a good player. better than milner. but he doesnt fit in with what Mancini wants to do with the team.
  10. It's been around for a canny while now though. its legal too, ive been using it a few year. when it first came out it was on the news and that as the itunes killer ... even though you cant download the songs.
  11. cant wait till the start of the season.... bets on first scorer at old trafford?
  12. btw, why am i STILL having trials?
  13. Anybody play in the 5 a-side league at westroad ?
  14. Not funny in the slightest. Typical yank humour. What I'm wondering is why the hell you're looking at a bodybuilding forum Because I'm obviously a bodybuilder
  15. Worst possible "date" ever...I don't even... FML (serios) Alright...I don't care if you guys believe me ... it's real. This is the the most embarassing thing that I've ever experienced... it was a horrible night for me.. and I'm sharing it with you guys because I don't want any of my misc brahs to have to go through this.. especially since it all could have been EASILY prevented. I have added MS paint images so that you have a better idea as to what happened. It's very long, but I'll do my best to recount all of the important details. no ****ing cliffs..... read it to save yourself from something like this... Anyway... If you've been following my social anxiety thread you would have learned that I got an asian girls number during my last update (the encounter wasn't recorded unfortunetely because my Camera froze). But anyway, it's been over a week and I was feeling like taking a break from exam studying, and I figured that if I didn't call her before exams were done then I wouldn't get a chance to see her until after the break (which would be too long perhaps). So I called her up and asked her if she wanted to take a break from studying and meet me for coffee. Well she said yes, and we met at a campus cafe. We had some small talk, and it went well overall. After that she said "hey my roomate is making some chinese food for dinner because her boyfriend is over, would you like to come by and try some? she usually makes way more than needed". Now at that point I felt like I had to take a sh!t, but there was no way I could turn down this opportunity; it seemed like she was into me and this would be a great opportunity to get to know each other further. So I decided to try and hold my crap as long as possible (I don't crap in public toilets) and accept her invitation. Well we went back to her place, had some food (very good btw)... and ****... I had to take take a sh!t really badly... and I also had to take a piss really badly (I had been holding that too since I didn't bring my pee bottles with me to the date)... I really didn't want to use her washroom because I didn't want stink the place up... but it became so unbearable to the point where I could feel the turd popping out of my rectum.. to make matters worse I was actually starting to get an erection (I'm not sure why.. but that's what happened). So I rushed to the washroom... and thus begins the worst possible scenario imagineable. I pull down my pants step up to the toilet and I am then faced with an ominous predicament; I have to extremely badly take BOTH a pee AND a POO.... AND I have an erection.... what the **** do I do? Which do I do first?? So I bend over and try to push my erected penis down a bit to pee into the can... but as I relax my pelvic floor muscles to release the urine.. I feel my turd start to come out at the same time! So then I'm like "fuk this... I'll just try and hold the pee and let the poo come out"... so I sit on the can... grasp my penis hard to try and "block" it... and I then tried to let the crap come out....that didn't work so well... As I relaxed my anal sphincters... my pelvic floor muscles relaxed as well and piss started flying all over the floor... I started panicking at this point... so I desperately held my crap again, while I attempted to shove/bend my erect penis into the toilet. Once it was in... I tried take the piss and crap at the same time, but my ass was too far out and this massive turd started flying out missing the bowl, landing partially on the back rim and partially on the floor. I then closed everything off again (you can't imagine the pain of repeatedly blocking yourself from peeing and pooing when you have go so badly)... wtf was I supposed to do? I either pee on her floor or poo on her floor....then out of sheer desperation and instinct an idea popped into my head: I ran into her bathtub and let myself go there... I figured that at least this way I could rinse it all down instead of getting sh!t on her floor.... At that point things get even worse... The turd wouldn't ****ing dissolve... and the damn bish was asking me wtf I'm doing showering in her washroom.... I then answer "yea lol... I'm showering... is that ok?"... she says: what the hell? why?? you don't think we're having sex do you??? At this point I can't even think straight and I jokingly (retardedly) say: yes we are lol she then gets mad and says: wtf? is this some kind of joke... get out of there!! I say: no please don't come in... I'm not done yet... At this point the hot water I was using to try and dissolve my sh!t was releasing sh!t smelling vapours all over the room.. and it was pretty rancid... the girl could smell it and she said: "why the hell does it smell so ****ing bad? What the hell are you doing in there???" I say: please don't come in... trust me.. you'll regret it... she says: **** this... get out now or I'm unlocking the door.. I beg her not too... but she loses her patience and then opens the door. She stops dead in her tracks. There before her was me standing with a pseudo-erect penis, left over fecal residue on my ass,large semi dissolved turds in her bathtub, turds on the floor beside her toilet, and pee all over the floor in front of the can... I was so ****ing embarassed... I started shivering... she looks at me while covering her mouth and nose and whispers... "wtf did you do???"...she was starting to cry... I hesitate for a bit and I try to explain myself "I tried my best ... I... I'm sorry"... She then flips out and tells me to clean up the mess or she's calling the cops. I agree to do it. She leaves, and I grap some toilet paper... pick up the turds from the floor and bathtub, toss them in the can, and then I proceed to clean off the floor and bathtub with soap, water and alot of tissues. I tossed most of the tissues into her toilet bowl (the garbage was full eventually). I then took some perfume from the counter and tossed into the bathtub to get rid of odour. After I was done I cleaned my ass off and flushed the toilet. To my utmost dismay, my massive fecal matter bulk and the large amount of TP unded up clogging the toilet and it overflowed and started spilling crap all over the floor... I'm literally crying at that point... I look for the plunger but I couldn't find it so I put my pants on and rushed out to ask her if she had a plunger so I could fix the toilet...I see her with her roommate and her roommates bf... she's crying... as soon as she sees me she tells me to gtfo right now... I try to explain that the toilet is clogged... but she doesn't let me ... she says she feels threatened and she wants me out now... she graps a knife from the drawer and tells me to leave... I leave. about a minute later I hear this loud scream coming from her dorm room (I assumed she went back to the washroom to see it covered in poo water). At that point I sprinted away as fast as possible, while swearing at myself and crying tears of frustration and embarrasment. All of this could have ****ing been prevented if I had just brought my goddamn pee bottles!!! WTF?!?! The FIRST girl that shows interest in me.. I have to go and **** in her bathtub???? This is ****ing retarded (yes mad). to all you people saying "peeing in bottles is stupid/gross"... well **** that... not only is it more convenient and cleaner, but it also prevents epic disaters like this one.... This is what WOULD have happened if I had my trustee pee bottle... I would have on sat on the can and then simultaneosly peed into the bottle and pooed into the toilet. No disaster... no mess.... and none of this would have happened. anyway... should I let things cool off for a bit and call her back? maybe to apologize/explain myself? or should i just hope I never run into her again?
  16. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=120921191
  17. farnie1993


    once woke up on my bathroom floor with nowt on coverred in my own vomit with me sister stood over me shouting " TWO WORDS FOR YA! CLEAN IT THE FUCK UP! " i wasnt in any mood to argue her maths nor move in any way so i lay there for 4 hours then got up and cleaned everywhere up later on i was just about recoverred n i walked downstairs to be greeted by a cheeky little plop on the living room carpet just stareing at me as if to say " hello farnie, you dont know how i got here do you ? and you never will know " gutted
  18. farnie1993


    i was drunk once walking home from washington village going up this bank and saw a black dog run out the graveyard it stopped and looked at me n barked then ran up the bank a bit turned round barked again then ran up into the graveyard this only meant one thing to me - it wants me to follow him we got in the graveyard and sure enough mr black dog was waiting midway into the graveyard looking at me - barks again - then runs under this big tree so i go to the tree certain that theres some treasure n when i get there the dog fucks off and im just stood under a tree in a graveyard.
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