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This one goes slightly (Hilariously) wrong http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=ewqy5EDrenw
Am I the only one who think JFK might actually do a respectable job?
I'll take that bet. However much he gets us back on track, even with a fully fit squad, I can't see us getting anything at Stamford Bridge. Thats 2 games unbeaten. 21st october. - Only 6 weeks to go and i'll be heralded as Nostradamus.
Here is an extract from his book written in 1990 The Biggest Secret David Icke : CHAPTER TEN (Extract 2 pages of 7) Money out of nothing Today the initiates and frontmen for the Babylonian Brotherhood control world politics, banking, business, intelligence agencies, police, the military, education and the media. The most important of these, in terms of control, is banking. The creation and manipulation of money. The Brotherhood financial sting is very simple and spans the period we are documenting from the time of Sumer and Babylon to the present day. It is based on creating money that doesn’t exist and lending it to people and businesses in return for interest. This creates enormous debt for governments, businesses and the general population, and you therefore control them. Vital to this has been to allow bankers to lend money they do not have. It works like this. If you or me have a million pounds, we can lend a million pounds. Very simple. But if a bank has a million pounds it can lend ten times that and more, and charge interest on it. If even a fraction of the people who theoretically have ‘money’ deposited in the banks went today to remove it, the banks would slam the doors in half an hour because they do not have it. Money in the bank is a myth, another confidence trick. When you go into a bank and ask for a loan, the bank does not print a single new note nor mint a single new coin. It merely types the amount of the loan into your account. From that moment you are paying interest to the bank on what is no more than figures typed on a screen. However, if you fail to pay back that non-existent loan, the bank can come along and quite legally take your wealth that does exist, your home, land, car, and possessions, to the estimated value of whatever figure was typed onto that screen. More than that, because money is not brought into circulation by governments, but by private banks making loans to customers, the banks control how much money is in circulation. The more loans they choose to make, the more money is in circulation. What is the difference between an economic boom (prosperity) and an economic depression (poverty)? One thing only: the amount of money in circulation. That’s all. And, through this system, the private banks, controlled by the same people, decide how much money will be in circulation. They can create booms and busts at will. The same with the stock-markets where these guys are moving trillions of dollars a day around the financial and banking markets, so deciding if they go up or down, soar or crash. Stock-market crashes don’t just happen, they are made to happen. Most of the ‘money’ in circulation is not physical money, cash and coins. It is represented as figures passing from one computer account to another electronically via money transfers, credit cards and cheque books. The more money, electronic or otherwise, that is in circulation, the more economic activity can take place and therefore the more products are bought and sold, the more income people have, and the more jobs are available. But a constant theme of the reptile-Aryan financial coup has been to create a boom by making lots of loans and then pull the plug. Overpaid economists and economic correspondents, most of whom have no idea what is going on, will tell you that boom and bust is part of some natural ‘economic cycle’. What claptrap. It is systematic manipulation by the Brotherhood to steal the real wealth of the world. During a boom many people get themselves into even more debt. The vibrant economic activity means that businesses borrow more for new technology to increase production to meet demand. People borrow more to buy a bigger house and a new, more expensive car, because they are so confident about their economic future. Then, at the most opportune moment, the major bankers, coordinated by the secret society networks, raise interest rates to suppress the demand for loans and they begin to call in loans already outstanding. They ensure they make far fewer loans than before. This has the affect of taking units of exchange (money in its various forms) out of circulation. This suppresses demand for products and leads to fewer jobs because there is not enough money in circulation to generate the necessary economic activity. So people and businesses can no longer earn enough to repay their loans and they go bankrupt. The banks then take over their real wealth, their business, home, land, car and possessions in return for non-repayment of a loan that was never more than figures typed on a screen. This has been going on in cycles over thousands of years, especially the last few centuries, and the real wealth of the world has been sucked out of the population and into the hands of those who control the banking system - the reptilian bloodlines. The same applies to countries. Instead of creating their own interest free money, governments borrow it from the private banking cartel and pay back both the interest and the capital by taxation of the people. Fantastic amounts of the money you pay in taxes go straight to the private banks to pay back loans which the governments could create themselves interest-free!! Why don’t they do it? Because the Brotherhood controls the governments as much as they control the banks. What we call ‘privatisation’ is the selling off of state assets to stave off bankruptcy caused by the bank-created debt. Third World countries are handing over control of their land and resources to the international bankers because they cannot pay back the vast loans made, on purpose, by the banks to ensnare them in this very situation. The world does not have to be in poverty and conflict, it is manipulated to be that way because it serves the Agenda. The Knights Templar used the system I’ve just described when they created the foundations of the modern banking network back in the 12th and 13th centuries and this clearly connected with the Venetian network of the Black Nobility operating at the same time. The world financial manipulation is today coordinated by ‘central banks’ in each country which appear to be working independently, but are in fact working together to a common end. The Bank of England, chartered by the Black Nobility’s William of Orange, has been the spider at the centre of this web and so, too, since the 1930s, has the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland. Like the Bank of England, the central banks were chartered by the descendants of the banking families of Genoa and Venice.
David Icke Newsletter Preview THEY'RE NOT LAUGHING ANYMORE ... ... BUT THEN NEITHER AM I The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday As Those Who Ridiculed His Warnings Are Being Forced By Events To Think Again. China has been incubating for hundreds of years being prepared for its role as a key player in these times we are now experiencing. I was told by an insider many years ago to watch for the emergence of China as an economic and military power because then the action would really start. Well, here we are. China's 'economic miracle', based on slave labour that undercuts production costs across the world, has produced a mountain of money which has been used to buy foreign debt. It holds in excess of one trillion dollars worth of US Treasury bonds (debt) and debt of the US government mortgage lenders, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, recently saved from collapse by political intervention. But even this trillion dollars doesn't nearly tell the full story because it doesn't include Chinese investment in private US corporations and the use by the Chinese government of third parties to hide the extent of its holdings. Put it all together and China is gaining ever more control of the US economy and it can use this power to destroy what is left of the American financial system. If it sells its massive dollar holdings the value of the 'mighty dollar' will plummet and if its debt is not repaid it can claim American assets, yes government assets, just as a bank forecloses on your house if you don't make the payments. And the United States is now ten trillion dollars in debt with more being added by the minute. The 'superpower' is essentially bankrupt and at the mercy of its overseas creditors - not least China. Given that the plan is for a war involving North America, Europe, Russia and China this takes on even greater significance, as does the involvement in the trillion-dollar (open chequebook) 'bail out' of US Treasury Secretary Henry 'Hank' Paulson.
for anyone who wishes to be blown away...... Bet you did not know that 100 billion of that bailout was for Bush to use without receipts for anything he wants. Interview - Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=_XgkeTanCGI She's written a book called the end of america which lists ten steps to fascism and Bush has just checked the 10th by creating his own personal army division to be used against the us people.
http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2008/09/24/army/ Why is a U.S. Army brigade being assigned to the "Homeland"? (updated below - Update II) Several bloggers today have pointed to this obviously disturbing article from Army Times, which announces that "beginning Oct. 1 for 12 months, the [1st Brigade Combat Team of the 3rd Infantry Division] will be under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army North" -- "the first time an active unit has been given a dedicated assignment to NorthCom, a joint command established in 2002 to provide command and control for federal homeland defense efforts and coordinate defense support of civil authorities." The article details: They'll learn new skills, use some of the ones they acquired in the war zone and more than likely will not be shot at while doing any of it. They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack. . . . The 1st BCT's soldiers also will learn how to use "the first ever nonlethal package that the Army has fielded," 1st BCT commander Col. Roger Cloutier said, referring to crowd and traffic control equipment and nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals without killing them. "It's a new modular package of nonlethal capabilities that they're fielding. They've been using pieces of it in Iraq, but this is the first time that these modules were consolidated and this package fielded, and because of this mission we’re undertaking we were the first to get it." The package includes equipment to stand up a hasty road block; spike strips for slowing, stopping or controlling traffic; shields and batons; and, beanbag bullets. "I was the first guy in the brigade to get Tasered," said Cloutier, describing the experience as "your worst muscle cramp ever -- times 10 throughout your whole body". . . . The brigade will not change its name, but the force will be known for the next year as a CBRNE Consequence Management Response Force, or CCMRF (pronounced "sea-smurf"). ----------- The world we live in.
greetings from down under. Hi, I'm a liverpool fran from ireland living in oz, (you can write my biography later) I realise you are all probably inundated with fans of other teams climbing in here with their two cents worth, telling you to be patient and build a new team from scratch and all that. I've been browsning this forum for a little while without joining and signed up the other day. - (probably two or three reasons for that, Keegan, Beardsley, Owen, Duff, Given, 4-3, toon army, etc.) basically for some reason I like the club, what it stands for and the geordies I've met along the way. Reason I'm putting this thread up is to say I am really confident that Newcastle will pull through the shite thats happening now. I hope that whoever buys the club does it for the right reasons and does the right thing by the supporters. I'll make a bet with you that in two months time Joe Kinnear will have kept the team unbeaten and NUFC will have climbed out of the shite. I don't like what is happening to premier league clubs at the minute, being bought sold and traded like baseball cards by souless glutenous corporations and pseudo aristocratic business men grinning through sharks teeth whilst wearing the scarf, kissing the badge and talking about the history of the club whilst reading prompt cards. It's all shite. I don't like the fact that the press around the world has created a system which enables it to print and concoct page after page of fabricate lies, all neatly packaged with clauses like "sources inside the club, a witness said, allegedley, etc." and a whole other slew of phrases, that about to journalism without responsibility. You can put anything in print as long as there's a buy out clause. just make it up and pass the buck. It's all shite. I don't like the hyeanas that sit and wait and revel in the decline of somethiing great. I don't like the pricks who take the piss out of what is a catastropy for the game. I don't like what happened to leeds and I don't wish that on anyone, (not even everton). What I do like is the passion, the fight, the fightback, the underdog that bites, and climb from the gutter. I'm looking forward to watching Newcastle in the next few months. F** sexy football, Forget Keegan, the press, and all the shite in the boardroom. Newcastle are going on an unbeaten run.