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Kid Dynamite

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Everything posted by Kid Dynamite

  1. if its true that bernard is a free agent then surely we can get him next week if we fancy. if you had told me a week ago that we would spend nearly £30mil on 2 wingers and a striker i would have shit on your face!
  2. liverpool must be fuming. it should be our only aim this season to finish above them in the league!
  3. about time but im glad. we got half an hour to get hughes now!
  4. dont be jealous! one of my favourite ever quotes is, 'no matter how beatuiful a woman is, someone, somewhere is sick of shagging her' or words to that effect. they all end up looking the same 30 years down the road so never let any bird piss on you cos she reckons shes better than you. they arent! saying that, it would actually be nice to find a nice lass and settle down for once, theres just not many about!
  5. zico, no mate shes a bonny girl too. prob 10/10 body, 7/10 face, 1/10 accent
  6. its not even something i shout about. my mates know i dont drink and thats that. i dont feel the need to tell them about it all or have a go at them cos tbh most of them are better craic when they are pissed anyway! its only on here that people know. it feels like a bit 16 year old thing but it works for me
  7. straight edgers are supposed to refrain from promiscuity and masturbation. unfortunately i like both
  8. so where's this legendary pic then? scaredy cat 25840[/snapback] on page 20
  9. good question mate. a lot of modern day straight edgers dont believe in that particular part of the philosophy, me included. i choose not to intoxicate my body with drugs, alcohol or nicotine and as long as i use precautions and im monogomous i see nowt wrong in being with as many girls as you want while you are single.
  10. and make the same mistake as gejon! no thanks. the only downside to her is shes got probably the broadest accent ive ever heard in my life! bit of a turn off at times like
  11. and she is horny as FFUUUCCCKKKK. and i dont mind telling everyone and looking like a silly immature twat! ps. michael ball signed for psv
  12. Its Signed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the adoption papers, max and steph are finally getting a kid!
  13. to be honest, shes a pretty girl, but her heads no match for the body!
  14. who wants to see a rudey picture of a nice young girl i met this week!?
  15. i think il join for the last hour to see the conclusion. howdy all
  16. i agree we must be cracker sto not take him back for free given carr taylor boumsong bernard nobby parker emre luque shearer owen. probably the best team weve ever had! strength in every position!
  17. Kid Dynamite


    i hit the tail end of a hurricane in florida and it was about 5 times worse than what we had today. fucking scary, cant see a car 5 feet in front of you and the lightning strikes every few seconds. glad to be back here now!
  18. i think sheperd was having a go about the 'get out clause' question. can you baleeeveee that bastaaad!
  19. we could have squeezed £12mil out of arsenal last month if wed tried!
  20. my chemical romance - 3 cheers for sweet revenge brand new - deja entendu fall out boy - take this to your grave starting line - based on a true story funeral for a friend - hours
  21. read between the lines and i would say that is as good as a p45 to old stevie
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