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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Quality Album. Im listening to Fleetwood Mac tho...
  2. Butt isnt worth 40k a week. try 15k
  3. You can check out my stage stuff on my personal photo most important stuff is the long hair and the guitar tho (the photos by james jessiman because its compyright and that bullorks)
  4. I normally where jeans and a t shirt,
  5. Ive got the same speakers as you. Canny for £30 like £20. Think you got done my friend. Mine have lasers though peewww pew.... Then we dont have the same speaker's then do we? Ok they dont have lasers but they are good speakers and the subwoofer is brilliant
  6. Ive got the same speakers as you. Canny for £30 like £20. Think you got done my friend. Mine have lasers though peewww pew....
  7. Ive got the same speakers as you. Canny for £30 like
  8. Tom

    My Curries

    PM me the recipe please
  9. He's here as a condition of his disability allowance, though the lucky cunt only has to work for a couple of weeks a year to pick up his 80k pw benefit. Ah lucky bastard My mate once saw him buy £600 dvd's in one go in HMV bastard And light a cigar with £20 notes, etc etc... haha my mate (a mackem) just said he bought like 30 wrestling dvds cause apparently he likes it homs tbh
  10. He's here as a condition of his disability allowance, though the lucky cunt only has to work for a couple of weeks a year to pick up his 80k pw benefit. Ah lucky bastard My mate once saw him buy £600 dvd's in one go in HMV bastard
  11. how much did that new lad cost? Had a bit of pace too.......
  12. working now just because the rains that bad it could be make or break for roeder
  13. somebody sent me a direct URL to century for the Boro game and it worked
  14. it just says to enter a valid email adress damn
  15. i cant get it with a hotmail adress
  16. howay man i need some radio!?!? anyone?
  17. Is there a link cause i dont have a wireless?
  18. Is it on the radio? Linkage?
  19. I wanna see rossi play tbh
  20. Is there commentary good like? It looked canny with the stats and the commentary at the same time
  21. One time one asked me for drugs... ''no no drugs'' ''beer than, howay man, beer leek''? [door closes]
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