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Tom last won the day on January 20 2023

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About Tom

  • Birthday 12/01/1986

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  1. Just got back home. Spent the day in the centre circle section of Club Wembley before getting guest list for Limp Bizkit at Wembley Arena Its hard to put into words how mental that was & the feeling of seeing the players lift the trophy in black & white ribbons. Best day of my life. 🏆🥇
  2. Two penalties for Liverpool, they are playing on tutorial mode ffs.
  3. I’ve read two Orlando Figes - Natasha’s Dance - A Cultural History of Russia A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution, 1891-1924 (Which was a fucking door stop but brilliant) and The cards of the gambler by Benedict Kiely which was less heavy
  4. They should have had a podcast called Cheese N O’Nien where they talk about match day eating habits and being fucking shit at football.
  5. Nah there was an off ball incident in the 3-3 vs Liverpool at home. That cruise ship magician cunt shouldered Gordon in the face deliberately and it wasn’t even blown up or investigated by VAR. Blatant red card & far, far worse than Gordon did yesterday.
  6. Its fake Basically what happens - is someone makes a mock up on photoshop or whatever & the geezers at the chinese/thai factorys make mock ups just in case. Happened last year with some kits Gallowgate shots mocked up, AliExpress ended up selling them
  7. Everton fans singing “going down”
  8. https://x.com/jamescopley_/status/1893283531100459441?s=12&t=_JhUCoDPCaDM2qiBf831Jw
  9. Cant remember which away day it was but remember some lads singing “Harry Potter is our friend, he shoots wizards” at a copper DAFT
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