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Tom last won the day on January 20 2023

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  1. Cant remember which away day it was but remember some lads singing “Harry Potter is our friend, he shoots wizards” at a copper DAFT
  2. He’s got a bit of a short fuse mind.
  3. Tom

    The Guitar Thread

    Yeh a supreme is on the list! On 7 String Les Paul news this thing is an absolute beast. I’ve played some high quality Epiphone’s in my time and have a lot of respect for the brand but this is by far the best I’ve played. A couple of cosmetic differences aside it responds & feels like the Gibson equivalent. The pickups are strange but wonderful, im just trying to learn what the buttons do Pleased to report its very versatile and not just a shreddy/metal guitar. The tones/playability are both off the scale, everything comes easily once you get used to it. Over the moon!
  4. Tom

    The Guitar Thread

    Ah fair enough. As mentioned - tempted for a superfuzz I’m honestly not baiting though
  5. Tom

    The Guitar Thread

    Its a standard Big Muff, no frills
  6. Tom

    The Guitar Thread

    Yup Riffs are a comin’
  7. Tom

    The Guitar Thread

    Yep! Its a Matt Heafy signature, so there’s a lot going on. Tbh my stage/studio setup has simplified itself to P90 > Fuzz > Amp so I really want to make sure I explore more out there stuff whilst at home so my playing/creativity don’t stagnate too much. I saw a lad playing one of these in Liverpool on saturday and thought it sounded/looked class. He let me have a look and I really liked it. Very much the opposite of my LPJ
  8. Do the club shop not have them online?
  9. Tom

    The Guitar Thread

    That looks great - are you still getting a lot out of the Helix? I still use mine for my home setup, amazing piece of gear.
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