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Everything posted by MustaphaKaka

  1. Ban Xmas, and keep your women at home in the kitchen where they belong
  2. Redknapp and Ashley the dream team , off with their heads
  3. oh how right you are ... the sooner you white women know your place, the better for you
  4. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h...l%3Den%26sa%3DN
  5. beating the doors down for 45m quid nobody is stupid enough to believe that are they
  6. he's making excuses change the name to Dyer and its the same load of shite
  7. Left flaccid listening to what toondood and his mates have to say. did you get a hard at what the others said
  8. agreed however wrong, stupid or evil they maybe. and the freedom of speech which makes this country so great
  9. I agree. When Leazes always ridiculed the concept of "planning" I've said a couple of times that of course you need the right playing staff, but that it is also very important to give them the appropriate environment which would pay out in long term. It's not just about backing your managers with big money that they can buy fancy strikers. So you think that we played in the Champions League without a better plan than all those who didn't what a dickhead
  10. I thought they matched the 6m valuation ?
  11. Another mod pissed at me for bringing things to the attention of other members...feel free to ban me if that would make you happy, I'm not fucked on I'm not a mod, or an admin. you are the owner. This thread has shown you and your mods to be total and utter cocks mate
  12. He has lots of proper help. I think the Hunter Davies thing about needing a good woman rings true tbh he's probably depressed through spending too much time reading the crap on here by you miserable cunts
  13. I think you'll find its the layers upon layers of (mis)management who have swallowed the NHS money. Not wanting to derail this thread further, but this is the case. I'm not going to count all of radiology because it's far too big, but in my area there are 11 staff members. Only four of us actually have anything to do with patients. Less than half of the employees have patient contact. That's the problem with the NHS right there, yet apparently they can't hire any of us locums permanently because they're not sure whether they can afford to. if you don't like the country or the NHS, fuck off back to oz, nobody asked you to come here
  14. Bush, Blair and all those opposed to the growth of Islam will not succeed
  15. we are not better without Alan Shearer
  16. Why didn't he sign for his mate Quinn down the road ?
  17. Are you the daft cunt off 'online' who gave the world 29 good reasons why Souness is a good manager? Or was that another stupid cunt? 111880[/snapback]
  18. Should have bought Zak Knight from Fulham and if Al Fayed came to the toon then we would get him I'm sure
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