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Everything posted by AllyB

  1. God this really is depressing my boss is a mackem my colleague a smoggie its such fun at work at the moment :/ Any word on whether any of those twats were there for the game?? Hiding in a dir box? The only good thing that might come out of these results is more flak for them might push ash to sell before we are worth half the amount he paid, which is what would happen if we go down. I don't believe he wants to sell at all, the over valuation is a blatant PR stunt. I did chuckle at the I could slap Keegan comments today though. He's an ex casino manager who probably ordered guys to break people's legs when they don't pay up. What the hell did they expect puttin him in charge of a football club oh yeah that was clever!! How dare they disrespect Keegan!! I honestly don't know how he's made the money, he comes across as a complete braindead clueless guy who is sucked in by his mates. Relegation material, very worrying, bye bye Owen Hard to see anything positive at the moment and I normally do. /rant
  2. Interesting article. Could this be the key, the more the fans boycott buying stuff the more businesses pull out. Threaten to boycott those businesses associated too perhaps?? Just a thought http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/...ubled-club.html
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