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Mr Lahey

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Everything posted by Mr Lahey

  1. Went to this, wasn't allowed on the pitch as it was replanted on Thursday. Brilliant communication as usual. Might hoy a few pictures up if I decide to give a shit.
  2. There is some talk of Nov this year. There was talk of November last year. TV time paid for apparently
  3. Is he actually a cunt like? I thought he just put it on on NO. (Not really, he really does seem like an absolute self important prick)
  4. Why do we, as Westerners, think we are right about things such as premarital sex, drugs, womens rghts etc. You can't say these relaxed views have improved our society. Not that I'm bothered, I like a bucket and a good reach around as much as the next bloke. We calll their views medieval but maybe they are right. I can't remember what my point was going to be but just calm the fuck doon man. I hope alll religions merge actually. A full out war between the heathens and the believers. That should sort the population crisis out
  5. I watched the first 2 episodes of the prisoner when it was on in the US but it was shite so i didn't bother with the rest. V starts slowly but it's getting better. I think it's on to episode 9 now. It's got Juliet in though, dirty bitch.
  6. Don't know, but did somebody once tell you that you had to pay to start a new thread?
  7. When I see a little dog I always wonder how far I could boot it
  8. Never should have lied about being a mod on here tbh. Nobody to blame but yourself
  9. When I go through a red light i just shout "Committed!". Never been caught yet
  10. 8.3 in Chile http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8540289.stm :panic::panic::panic:
  11. Mr Lahey


    I went on the 4D Spongebob ride at Flamingo Land. Had bubbles and these lttle things that tickled your feet. Mint.
  12. Taken back to their home planets tbh
  13. He is deffo an interesting character, but isn't trained in and formal science or anything of the kind. He has his fans. Project Avalon is a good catchall of all these characters and indeed some are later exposed as having other agendas or simply a bit nutty etc...It has become a field where one can make a lot of money from talks/websites/dvd's etc.. Disclosure has already begun if you keep an eye out. Are ufo's visiting our planet? Yes. Are they good or bad? Both. If we are to move to a group 1 civilisation from a group 0 it will come down to how we handle the next step. "They" will put up a fight.......So this won't be easy. The Norway spiral isn't a rougue Russian missile, but the jury is out on what it actually is....For sure there is a lot o wierd magnectic things going on with our planet and the sun. There have been many launches over the last few years of things to just watch the sun....Two telescopes owned by the Vatican ONLY watch the sun. Some of the things he talks about are definately interesting and there are many on the fringes who have done various experiments in things like the role of water (water can carry mutlitudes of information, during the atomic tests they found water molecules had been changed almost planet wide as if they had picked up a vibration form the water that had been vaporised near ground zero etc)..Universal consciousness and dark matter, the causal link of our holographic universe and ideas that the universe is alive is all good stuff... He talks about a lot of films from Conact to The Last Mimzy as being teasers of the alien technology we already have. Always thought Carl Sagan knew a lot more than he let on. Got any links on some of this disclosure?
  14. Does anybody (Parky) have an opinion on David Wilcock? Quite possibly a mentalist but I love listening to him talk. He's also quite certain that we will get full disclosure soon. This is a good read http://divinecosmos.com/index.php/start-he...closure-endgame
  15. Does anybody know of a good itrip kind of thing that will work with an iphone 3GS (charge the phone aswell) for less than £30 quid? J69 need not reply
  16. Mr Lahey


    Morrisons in Tynemouth/North Shields is weird.Sometimes you go in and and it's Tynemouth (blart) and sometimes it's North Shields (clart). Anybody else experienced this phenomenom?
  17. The first 2 series were great but the 3rd would have been total shite without Kathleen Turner. Facial deformities or not, by the end of the it I would have happily taken a ride on the Turner train.
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