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Mr Lahey

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Everything posted by Mr Lahey

  1. Was a class book, don't know if it'll take to the screen though
  2. And i got scared when my bag got stuck in the tube door the other day Does this heed the ball have a parachute?
  3. I wish Kevin slept with the fillet-o-fishes
  4. Mr Lahey


    Can't wait for this. One annoying bitch down. One more to go. Wooooooooh
  5. They're just testing what we'll put up with. Make a stand before it's too late
  6. Never heard of the comic but if it's half as good as Mad Men or Breaking Bad then
  7. Does he ever have any grandkids knocking about down there? If he does wrap some rat poison in sweet wrappers and sprinkle them over the patch that he's trying to jip you out of
  8. I once got a letter through the door for the wrong address. On the envelope someone had wrote "Dear Mr Postman. Can you please make sure this letter gets to the right address? It is very important. Thanx xx " He obviously did it on purpose so that fucker went straight in the bin. Just like that camera would.
  9. If you're sure you'll get plenty of use out of it on the iphone then aye. The apps a bit shite but it does the job
  10. Wonder if she remembers being regularly beaten with the ugly stick. The twat
  11. The left right paradigm is a load of shite anyway. I thought yous was smart peoples on here.
  12. I just don't want to see you go past 60 views without a reply
  13. Looking at the advertising boards and Ive only just realised that the Back The Beard James Corden thing was supposed to be a variation on Back The Bid. Fucking dense at times.
  14. He's unemployed at the minute http://www.google.co.uk/news/i/more?gl=uk&...M2b3MwYlsvnEi4M
  15. how are you watching it? online? it's not on uk tv is it? Rapidshare. That little freak Glen is in the second episode, swear to God I was waiting for him to take a shit in the shower like little Vito. Little creep. Based on Kevin iirc.
  16. Mad Men starting again tonight.
  17. Love how they all pull their anal faces as well
  18. Hate to say it Ant but you've done a Kevin there Not really, like i said before i've already seen all the episodes of dexter, was more for the people saying they were working there way through it atm in the thread. some people will click anything before reading what it is (ala kevin), why most people will type spoilers and black them out till you highlight them... Anybody who does that deserves everything they get
  19. Probably not when you're sick in the back of a taxi off 10 bottles of piss
  20. I bet they are positively shitting themselves
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