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Everything posted by bjquick

  1. Newcastle wont be in Pro evo next year will they?
  2. The table with games to point ratio is pointless. The circumstances shearer through himself into would be hard enough for the most experienced managers. Going off that table we should of got joe back for the last game against villa to secure that point to keep us up
  3. Cant help but think back at the goal that was disallowed last week. S.taylor has earned my respect from the last few games, only person that gave a fuck in the whole team. Onward to the championship
  4. Im starting to like him, wears his heart on his sleeve and is very passionate for the club.
  5. Maybe this is the plan for Joey hes probably not got a lot of friends on Merseyside anyway Trouble is I doubt Barton could get close enough to Gerrard to get a decent kick in Maybe one of his trademark studs-down-the-back-of-the-achilles jobs is a possibility like no chance of us trying to outplay them, just to injure
  6. Ive heard that torres is injured and not playing. There goes key point of attack for liverpool.
  7. 3 years ago Viduka wouldn't have put away the second chance. He wouldnt have or would have ? When i watched that i was thinking if only he had had agility training all week he might of got there. Tbf i though he would be the first to give up out of the 3 strikers but credits to him he did try and stick it out.
  8. I dont think we are down yet but if we keep the same team out there we are fucked. We need players that are determined and would go to the extremes for the club. And the most likely are the youth, Mix them in with the players that have a bit of heart. In saying that i would give owen one more game as he might play better against the pool.
  9. Getting up at 5am to watch this, 3-0 Viduka, Jonas, Owen Cmon the toon
  10. Shearer did all he could today as a manager, I'm finally convinced that newcastle will go down.
  11. FFS. this is terrible. Glad it is only 1-0. Hopefully shearer can talk them up for 2nd half and we can snatch an early goal and push on from there. Missing enrique, taylor is doing a shit job at left back.
  12. -------------------Harper Beye Staylor Edgar Bassong -------------------Colo -------Spiddy --------------Lovenkrands/duff ----------------- Nolan Owen Carroll No chance in hell that will be played, would give anything for a win.
  13. I feel the same, But i wouldnt have it any other way.
  14. Thats fucking funny coming from danny
  15. A win was the ideal result today but considering all the other results went in our favour it isnt that bad. Really wish jonas would drill his shooting non stop at training until he scores a goal
  16. 2-1 is really gonna suit liverpool, They can play on the break 2nd half and its what they do best.
  17. There comparing owen to a fish.
  18. I wanna see the article about the likes of middlesbrough, portsmouth, Stoke and blackburn being in trouble.
  19. I could only catch the first half of this match and i was so inspired to see newcastle actually playing football. Holding the ball the best ive seen in a couple of matches. Shame it all counted for nothing but i hope the players take a lot from the game, the first half in particular.
  20. This is a really big match, with middlesbrough beating liverpool its even tighter at the bottom now. A win and united jump ahead of bolton. Viduka to get on the score sheet as well as martins. Cmon sick of these sunday games
  21. im devestated im going to miss this, i have school tomz and the game starts at 3 in the morning. I hope they get a win up but i would settle for a draw
  22. I would love to see them go down, Then we could steal some players off them. Modric would do nicely
  23. I like him, Scored a scrappy goal on the weekend but hopefully he gets the confidence from it and gets a couple in the next few games. Good attitude too.
  24. Ay, Bring Viduka on with 20-30 to go for shola. Only problem is Martins might be knackered as well so i would look to chuck on smith, but id rather see him come on for butt in the 2nd half.
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