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Everything posted by AbsolutKazakh

  1. The U.S. certainly won't do it and the U.K. can't do it alone. Russia has recently played its cards right with China and they're beginning to act like butt buddies. Russia and China already fear that the U.S. is invading Asia and challenging both of their dominance on the continent. An attack or serious mistake with either one is going to get the other involved. Seeing as both America and the U.K. are involved in other Asian conflicts, it would be wise not to take on a super power. Another thing: don't think either country would be granted Central Asian airspace if they invade Russia. We're in a strategic location to aid Western fighters in western Asia, but without us the closest you could get is Romania. There are also huge economic costs to go with such an attack.
  2. Please elaborate. I am without a television.
  3. Updated standings: 1. America- 8 (2g, 2s, 4b) 2. China- 5 (4g, 1s) 3. South Korea- 4 (2g, 2s) 4. Russia- 4 (3s, 1b) 5. Czech Republic- 2 (2g) 6. Australia- 2 (1g, 1b)
  4. Yes, an extremely dangerous one...but damn. Isn't it beautiful? which one??? That one is Mount Rainier. The other one they predict to be a violent eruption is called Glacier Peak:
  5. No offense, but this is one thing the West should just stay the fudge out of.
  6. Yes, an extremely dangerous one...but damn. Isn't it beautiful?
  7. its a man thing You're talking to a woman who watches Mythbusters, Band of Brothers, and sports.
  8. Says it all really. Bunch of friends of mine are engineering nerds and they'd probably be in absolute stitches at that joke. How do you like Boston? Freezing cold, shite banter, terrible accent...worst place in the NE states imo Boston is alright, I'm not a big fan. I lived near Seattle, Washington before I came to school so I'm a bit spoiled when it comes to scenery (Kazakhstan is also very beautiful ) The weather has been nice here, but it's not winter yet and the accent makes me laugh. This is what we had in Washington:
  9. China takes the lead with 2 medals. http://www.nbcolympics.com/medals/index.html
  10. Hmmm...my money is on Russia in this one. If fueling conflict in the Caucasus was an Olympic event, Russia would dominate.
  11. Is someone forcing you to do it? My bills.
  12. Alright, I'll say it since no one else is...even though it's not appropriate... ...this thing gives me a hadron.
  13. Funny prank calls on a live U.S. news show:
  14. You learn something new every day...
  15. Ah, the better Olympics. Minus the curling. I like both games although I used to follow skiing a lot more closely than I do now. Prefer the Summer Olympics though. Alpine skiing is my favorite hobby. Watching those people cruise down the slopes at speeds upwards of 90 mph is pretty amazing. I put the Winter Olympics and Winter X games above the Summer Olympics on my list, but they're all pretty close. Kind of off topic, but I noticed American football is being played in England now. Is it really that popular? It's a huge thing here, I'm even beginning to like it. It's strange because there is (I think) a European NFL and a London team who get moderate crowds. (I don't follow US Football but I used to as it became popular when it was first televised in the UK in the 80s). However, when a proper NFL was staged at Wembley in the UK last year the stadium was a sell-out and it was reported it could have sold out 10 times over. Wembley holds about 90,000 people by the way. Yeah, I've heard of the European one and Canada has its own league as well. Supposedly they are playing another this year...with better teams in it.
  16. I would gladly trade positions with you. I work about 20 hours a day doing research for adaptive optics here at school. The plus, I get my name in the astrophysics community. The negative, high blood pressure as a result of not sleeping.
  17. Ah, the better Olympics. Minus the curling. I like both games although I used to follow skiing a lot more closely than I do now. Prefer the Summer Olympics though. Alpine skiing is my favorite hobby. Watching those people cruise down the slopes at speeds upwards of 90 mph is pretty amazing. I put the Winter Olympics and Winter X games above the Summer Olympics on my list, but they're all pretty close. Kind of off topic, but I noticed American football is being played in England now. Is it really that popular? It's a huge thing here, I'm even beginning to like it.
  18. Ah, the better Olympics. Minus the curling.
  19. Hero- 10/10 Beautiful movie, if you're into that sort of thing.
  20. You have the benefit of pulling for your home country, which happens to obtain a lot of medals. My people are just born to fight I guess. It doesn't have to be a GB victory for it to capture my imagination by any means though, especially in the track and field events. Same here. If it's a sport I participate in, I'll definitely watch...like diving. Some, like curling, grab my attention for only a little while. Who the hell thought of curling?
  21. You have the benefit of pulling for your home country, which happens to obtain a lot of medals. My people are just born to fight I guess.
  22. The problem with that is it only traces the server. I put in my IP address and it gave the address to the main building on campus. If someone is using Comcast in America, which is the most popular, it will trace them to Philadelphia even if they're posting or visiting from Los Angeles. Fair enough. I know at my old university it would have told you the specific room and desk of the PC in question, but that might just have been a weakness of the useless techies there It doesn't get that specific... OrgName: Massachusetts Institute of Technology OrgID: MIT-2 Address: Room W92-190 Address: 77 Massachusetts Avenue City: Cambridge StateProv: MA PostalCode: 02139-4307 Country: US ...but pretty specific. It also gives the email of the guy in charge of the server we use. We have a ton of IP addresses so that's probably why it can't give you my specific location because I'm using the wireless.
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