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Everything posted by OTF

  1. A few times he was in his area but his teeth were outside it, not sure they have a rule for that.
  2. Carragher would probably argue that Gordon's goal wasn't a goal scoring opportunity, the thick, dirty bastard.
  3. Owen has actually said it was red, predictably in a very long winded boring way.
  4. Should be said also that it was great that Gordon didn't go down when TAA pulled his shirt when he was clear through.
  5. Joe getting a yellow the next time he clatters into someone, let's hope he can avoid it to halftime.
  6. That said, if he didn't make the right call there he would have made two terrible decisions to deny them reds.
  7. I mean, I know they find ways for certain teams, but how could they for that?
  8. Commentator still sulking about this being a red, hilariously. In reality they should be down to 9.
  9. Commentary crossing their fingers and toes that this is rescinded. Somehow forgetting that he is clearly last man/denying a clear goal scoring opportunity the dopey cunts.
  10. Ref completely bottled that the soft prick, Arnold does something incredibly stupid and gets away with it for absolutely no reason.
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