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Everything posted by OTF

  1. Permaban incoming Trophyshy. Edit: and to be honest with a name like that you'd best not be showing yout face around here anyway!
  2. Howe has some job do to at half time and over the next week. It's the stuff of dreams for a guy like Eddie who strives to test himself and his men.
  3. Aye sure feels it. With 10 it's going to be a fucking mountain to climb in the second half, and even trying to might unnecessarily burden some legs.....
  4. Have to expecr manure to try to do the same if we push a similarly high defensive line. That said, I can't see that having been the tactic from Eddie, more just the enthusiasm pushing forward from our defenders? We can't afford to do that with a comparatively slow defensive unit.
  5. Better than decent, he was waiting for a.run that never came and then very nearly scored.
  6. And somehow has happened whilst we were otherwise playing well, adefensive lapse, a defense splitting pass/run and an absolute brain snap. I suppose that's what happens when their ceiling is miles above ours.
  7. Tough for Anderson as well. Unforgivable from Pope, if I was trying it must have been some GK muscle memory shit going on, should have gone at it with his feet initially.
  8. That's a perfectly timed run and well weighted pass though. Sometimes you have to credit the attack. Not now though, those jammy cunts.
  9. Thank fuck we don't have the self important twat commentating here. There's worse pundits of course, but in a Liverpool game he'd be unbearable.
  10. Longstaff trying a ball that Bruno (or Shelvey) plays in his sleep and botching it.
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