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OTF last won the day on January 18

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    Sydney, Australia

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  1. You've now got a cute little bird sat on your thigh, dreams can come true.
  2. Got to love this one: 'Did we play a diamond formation?’ he said. ‘You’re the experts, you tell me.’
  3. Watched it as well as the trophy being lifted, it was pretty awesome.
  4. I do. Of course it's flat as I have kids.
  5. To be honest missing out on Europe for last season thanks to Man Utd upsetting Man City in the FA Cup final has been a blessing. We'd have suffered more injuries playing more games and likely not have been in a position to field as strong teams in the Cup games where we've faced quality opposition. Now that we have the monkey off our backs it would be amazing to qualify for the Champions League again, setting us up for a busy summer, but even with Europa or Conference we should now be in a position to strengthen our quality and depth.
  6. Absolutely noone is talking about Saudi Arabia except these peanuts.
  7. I like Slot a lot, respectful, honest and direct and not a head full of fake hair and teeth.
  8. We're going to win again tomorrow, I'm quite confident of it.
  9. It's a shame you couldn't get time off from working in the mines.
  10. The point was not that he was wrong just that he went from finding it difficult to criticise to calling it one of their worst performances in the same sentence.
  11. Jamie Carragher: "I find it difficult to be too critical of the team *pause* I must say that's one of the worst performances I've seen from Liverpool in a cup final"
  12. They've got proper ties to the club now (and tbh did well before this). These two with Tonali in midfield is a dream partnership.
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