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  1. Signing of the season: Hall Top goalscorer: Isak Most assists: Gordon Biggest surprise: Kelly Best Young player: Livramento Player of the season: Isak PL finish: Winners Trophies? PL
  2. Georgia’s keeper looks decent
  3. Nope. Kane is too slow Bellingham/Foden can play 10 and the false 9
  4. Pickford TAA - Guehi - Stones - Walker Saka - Rice - Wharton - Gordon Foden - Bellingham Plenty of legs and runners in that line up. Obviously thats going to be far away from what Southgate picks.
  5. He will probably go with palmer and Mainoo as they got the most positive comments from his media mates last night, despite the fact that nothing really changed in the 2nd half when they came on. The real issue is his incessant, inherent cautiousness which isn’t going away in the next 5 days.
  6. Got my training shorts yesterday. Adidas badge and NUFC badge will be off in no time I reckon. Definitely not the quality of the other Adidas shorts I have in my possession
  7. The training shorts do however have the 3 white stripes Ordered.
  8. Looks like they spent 2 mins on the design of the shorts and then fucking forgot to add three white stripes...
  9. Second half of the season Trips is nowhere near first half of the season Trips.
  10. Trips really shouldn't be anywhere near that squad. He's got more in common with Henderson and Rashford.
  11. They'd be better off getting her in the squad
  12. Didnt she borrow the money off Ashley? Then she had to pay it back in a hurry when she criticised him in public not long after...
  13. I'm loving this new version of the Premier League where the games are played and every decision is reviewed by teenage geeks watching detailed frame by frame replays and then league positions are awarded depending on the strength of your team of accounting consultants... Its absolutely thrilling
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