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Everything posted by SloopJohn

  1. the Crowther Hot Cake is fucking tasty too sounds amazing
  2. never really heard a good big muff tone live...it just washes everything out...although it's fucking great for solos on record...well, we all know how good siamese dream sounds
  3. watched the match in a pub in Fulham last night there were more Man Utd fans than Fulham fans
  4. Paolo Perchini was great yesterday - one particuarly tasty tackle on Mulumbu springs to mind as well as a mid-air back heel down the line
  5. what's with the hate against Perch? he was mint yesterday
  6. Perch didnt put a foot wrong today... one particuarly classy moment was a mid-air backheel down the line to Santon colo-esque
  7. Shane wins a corner 4 hours later CT dies from priapism
  8. apparently Cisse is cramp in both legs so no biggie
  9. makes it all the sweeter than I got barfa in my fantasy team
  10. That half proved that when we play the ball on the floor we're a fucking great side shame about those ten minutes in the middle of the half when we seemed to think hoofing it Demba was the best plan
  11. first time we put 4 passes together we get another goal
  12. Looks like Jonas is play central and Papiss left to me
  13. honestly can't wait for the dogleash interview
  14. ETA 30 mins to Dogleash implosion
  15. 2-0 Burnley v West Ham could go to 5 points behind Reading
  16. SloopJohn


    Can you qualify what you mean by scientific enlightenment? My argument is not that Christendom has always been in the right and a steady force for progress through out its history, one would have to be insane to defend such a position. But I am arguing that it also was not always against science (or reason or whatever), and indeed, most of the roots of the empirical sciences can be attributed to the works of Christians and Muslims - either in their preservation of key scientific texts from antiquity or their own research which, commonly, was directly fueled by their faith. It is not as simple as saying "science is progressive and religion is regressive" because history shows this is simply not the case, sometimes indeed, it is the exact opposite, as I noted (again, in a previous post) regarding the astrology of John Philoponus - and this is a widely accepted position within secular, historical scholarship.
  17. SloopJohn


    and again: Seeing as my argument has been largely historical I don't see how you could've inferred I did a philosophy or a history of philosophy degree. Unless, of course, you didn't read my posts.
  18. SloopJohn


    from previous posts:
  19. SloopJohn


    So do democratically elected governments and that is also fucking appalling. You make a good point about the Soviet Union though although whether Stalin's armies were anywhere near full strength in the early 1930s is open for debate.
  20. Anyone heard about this new action film called The Raid? I think it's Taiwenese...don't quote me on that though... Apparently it's the best action film in a long while. So good in fact, that the rights to a US remake were purchased before it even got an American release date
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