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Everything posted by SloopJohn

  1. too right. they are wonderful films don't get me wrong. it's just you get over-saturated with discussion about some things. Citizen Kane also falls into this category.
  2. http://www.attube.net/view_video.php?viewk...eaa496d51fea640 his goal today vs. leverkusan
  3. it's all part and parcel of it. but this was with some of my contemporaries, who share the same taste as me, so I found it a little puzzling... just watched The Cook, The Thief, His Wife And Her Lover not sure what to make of it. although i'm not really convinced of Peter Greenway as a director.
  4. so. Big Sam was after this guy. and i watched him play against Bayern Leverkusan this afternoon and he was by far the best player on the pitch. fast, agile, two footed, excellent appreciation of his team mates, selfless. he has incredible quality. and at the price that was thrown about (7 million?) would be an absolute steal based on this performance and how highly rated he is within Russia. thoughts?
  5. i loved that movie. so involving. my friends hated it.
  6. 300 is one of the worst films i've ever seen. no doubt.
  7. i only like alien. everything else i've seen by him has ranged from barely watchable (Gladiator) to full on trite (Black Hawk Down).
  8. that's a good deal. at the moment there is Warner Herzog boxset for 14 pounds. 5 films! that's like 2.50 a film. and utter classics. i'm on it.
  9. i quite like modern 'classical' - Steve Reich mainly, but i've never really listened to anything written pre 1910.
  10. it's all about the twin peaks score. that shit is off the hook.
  11. yeah but which cut of Blade Runner have you seen? it's amazing that such an average movie is available in five different versions. god I hate Ridley Scott.
  12. Bentley isn't slow. that's for sure. he skins quite a few opponents, he's certainly as fast as Joe Cole. not exactly Martins standards but still quickish. plus, he barely needs any room for a good delivery, particuarly as he's so two footed. if we're playing 4-4-2 next season we need to sign wingers, if we're playing 4-3-3 we need to sign a Viduka replacement and an attacking midfielder.
  13. good movie. i can't watch film noir anymore though. jus too much of it.
  14. i think you're missing the point. Eraserhead is his best though. everyone knows that.
  15. Never heard of it. Will keep an eye for it though. http://www.jdmfilmreviews.com/userimages/u..._1158650181.jpg I'm not one to judge a book by it's cover, but I don't think I will. ha that is awful. the film is pretty good though. a little tired in terms of it's themes and how it presents them ('Absolute power corrupts absolutely') but an engrossing watch.
  16. Been to Cannes a couple of times to the festival full of cunts and producers trying to get seed money. Nothing special these days. Having said that they have been supportive of the likes of Mike Leigh. Venice is where it's at. yeah but it'd be sweet if my film was at Cannes. as much as people may knock it, Cannes is still the interntional film festival. Don't get me wrong I like Cannes and things can happen there. There is still a good core philosophy of protecting and encouraging good work, but it is a tad over commercialised now. In the context of Lynch Cannes is immaterial they either love or hate his projects, but he is a great artist and beyond all that now. It was a shame back in the day that the De Laurentis production of Dune kinda destroyed him for the commercial markets. You'll never forgive them for rewarding Taranteeny will you? neither will i. rouge >>> pulp fiction
  17. mang! that opening track is fucking killer. the rest is meh. but that opening track! Race You to my Room is canny lush too in my opinion.....and bright tomorrow. Mang? Is that some sort of Batman tv series reference? Splom! mang! = oh man! just hyper excited way of saying it.
  18. Been to Cannes a couple of times to the festival full of cunts and producers trying to get seed money. Nothing special these days. Having said that they have been supportive of the likes of Mike Leigh. Venice is where it's at. yeah but it'd be sweet if my film was at Cannes. as much as people may knock it, Cannes is still the interntional film festival. Don't get me wrong I like Cannes and things can happen there. There is still a good core philosophy of protecting and encouraging good work, but it is a tad over commercialised now. In the context of Lynch Cannes is immaterial they either love or hate his projects, but he is a great artist and beyond all that now. It was a shame back in the day that the De Laurentis production of Dune kinda destroyed him for the commercial markets. the thing is. whilst the festival itself maybe over commercialised, the work presented there every year hasn't lost it's power or importance over the years. it's just everything around it has.
  19. Been to Cannes a couple of times to the festival full of cunts and producers trying to get seed money. Nothing special these days. Having said that they have been supportive of the likes of Mike Leigh. Venice is where it's at. yeah but it'd be sweet if my film was at Cannes. as much as people may knock it, Cannes is still the interntional film festival.
  20. to be honest. if i won best director / palm d'or at Cannes. i'd die a pretty happy man.
  21. also Croupier is one of the worst films i've ever seen.
  22. Fire walk with me is an incredible film in many ways and I'm a big fan of his. It was disliked not universally panned. The problem Lynch had was that films like Blue Velvet kind of attracted the film semiotics and hippie post Camden intellectual crowd. hah. well it got booed at Cannes and made 4 million dollars in gross revenue. i'd call that universally panned - critically and by the public.
  23. i cried with laughter the second time i watched happiness. the first time. i was well. appalled.
  24. it's extremely different to the TV show. it's a David Lynch feature and this is definitely reflected in the films darker tones and distinct lack of humour. but then again, what's ever been funny about a young woman being sexually abused by her father?
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