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Everything posted by SloopJohn

  1. i didn't understand why you said 'we leave behind'.
  2. Vozvrashcheniye "The Return" [Andrei Zvyagintsev] 8/10
  3. but the serial killer killed the people who were paying him! you can't have a characters in a classically narrated film, or a film that portains to classical narration, that are purely allegorical. those aren't characters. and it sucks the soul out of the movie. and in terms of the cinematography reflecting moral and spiritual 'emptiness' - that's an incredibly superficial and basic level for the film to be working on aesthetically. also did anyone here actually understand the Tommy Lee Jones voice overs? anyway enough. the film had some brilliant moments but it'll be years before the saliva that has been lathered all over this film has dried up. and that saddens me.
  4. who ever said cinema is meant to be exclusively entertaining? my problem with this film is how shallow it is. there are no characters, only concepts that exist to propel the flimsy and trite narrative along a path that neither evokes or suggets. so this serial killer guy? why is he doing this. what are his motivations. i didn't believe in him neither did i feel that his role had any nuances or meaning that could allow such a stylistic choice - auteurs the Coen Brothers are certainly not. i also don't believe in the moral code of the film either, i.e llyelwn gets whats coming to him because he doesn't give the Mexican guy water. the pacing was horrible. there were these wide, open shots of the desert that served no purpose to constructing the film's themes. i have no problem with beautiful, lingering cinematography but if you choose to use this cinematic style it must under pin the thematic and / or philisophical structure of the film. which beyond obvious scene setting. it didn't. guh! i just don't like it at all.
  5. raul has twenty goals this season and at least 7-8 or assists. and is captain of the team that is 13 points clear at the top of La Liga. he's also won every trophy imaginable. overrated? give me a break.
  6. i really didn't enjoy this movie. at all.
  7. Ibrahimovic is a wonderful player. he gets crazy amounts of assists for Inter even when he's not scoring.
  8. SloopJohn

    Top 100 Films

    horrible horrible list.
  9. also. Grizzly Bear >>>>>>>> MGMT >>>> Bat For Lashes
  10. amnesiac is the only radiohead album i consistently enjoy and it has their best tune (pyramid song duh). that being said, it'd probably just make my Top 200 albums. also. Nigel Goedrich is an awful producer.
  11. irrelevant of who said it, i think Sacchi has some interesting and valid points. there have been more goals per weekend (average) in Serie A in the last two years than in the Premiership. yet we're apparently the most exciting / attacking league?
  12. from Football Italia; what do you think?
  13. Tyler Durden is an aspect of the narrators own split personality. OMG RLY?!
  14. man utd played like an allardyce team tonight. and that's being kind.
  15. i see where you're coming from but i completely disagree and am not in the mood to argue it out. but i don't think the film is about desire or how short life is.
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