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Everything posted by SloopJohn

  1. yeah if this is true. which i doubt it is. we need to get in there really fucking fast.
  2. balotelli will be the best striker in the world in 4 years.
  3. Mon Oncle [Jacques Tati - 1958] 8/10 excellent excellent movie. edit; it's definitely a 9/10. god it was so good.
  4. wait what. allardyce chose smith over elano sums it up really.
  5. he's also an excellent tackler. and viana is an out and out amc.
  6. happiness is being able to tell truth without hurting anyone
  7. Ivanovo Detstvo - Ivan's Childhood [Andrei Tarkovsky - 1962] 8/10 so far with tarkovsky; Ivan's Childhood - 8/10 Andrei Rublev - 10/10 Solaris - 9/10 Mirror - 10/10 Stalker - 9/10 Nostalgia - not seen (yet!) The Sacrifice - not seen (yet!) i cannot wait to see the last two. the man is a total genius.
  8. Temps Retrouvé, Le [Time Regained] - Rauol Ruiz 6/10
  9. À La Recherche Du Temps Perdu - Marcel Proust
  10. the studio is in the ground. well it looks like it.
  11. big sam in the sky studio. cunt.
  12. Any time is the right time for recommending the Bolt. Messy noise for hipsters, tbh. and messy noise is a bad thing?
  13. make sure you know your demographic. i.e don't open a noise / avant-jazz only shop in chelsea.
  14. it's true. but still....
  15. happy face i can't believe you're recommending lightning bolt in a coldplay recommendation topic. epic lulz.
  16. parky what are your top 10 films. roughly i don't need deadly accurate. just interested to see what you like.
  17. but these locations aren't not framed within the story in a manner which alludes to this, in my opinion, they are merely mechanisms to identify locations which one associates with the 'South' (Motels / Trailer Parks) and to foster the various scenes which happen within them. beyond this I didn't feel any significance attatched to them even if there was intellectually. in terms of the cattle gun, that's an interesting point but by saying it's perhaps symbolic of the slaughter of men like animals, again we are talking about a symbol that operates on a basic intellectual level beyond which there is no substance. anyway man. you clearly love the movie. i don't. that's cool. but personal slander is a little much.
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