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Everything posted by SloopJohn

  1. red house painters - song for a blue guitar
  2. scott walker - farmer in the city probably the only song i've never skipped. ever.
  3. Class doesn't change no matter what era it may be. Standards just drop. But you like Arcade Fire? One of the most original bands out there nowadays. Win Butler may not be a fantastic singer but atleast he's writing brilliant music, unlike your mates Will or Chris. THEY ARE GOING TO BE ORIGINAL BECAUSE OTHER BANDS WOULDN'T HAVE THE BALLS TO RELEASE SUCH TRIPE Almost every music reviewer in the land disagrees with that And almost every music reviewer in the land would disagree with them being better than Coldplay Lets compare the bands two biggest selling albums http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Rush_of_Blood_to_the_Head http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funeral_(album) Good by Mr. Paltrow, but not good enough lets not bring arcade fire into here. not that great a band. riding on indie hype. etc. they are better than coldplay though. and you have to a be fucking idiot to say they are not critically lauded. Funeral has a Metacritic score of low 90s. http://www.metacritic.com/music/artists/ar...neral?q=funeral and x/y has a metacritic of 72... http://www.metacritic.com/music/artists/co...andy?q=coldplay so big thompers. explain how coldplay are more popular with critics based on this evidence.
  4. the thing is. even though all radiohead fans hate on coldplay. radiohead fan boys are just as bad if not worse than radiohead fan boys in their closed mindedness.
  5. Oh he a band now? no. but he's a musician and the two are mutually exclusive. i don't think people go 'oh i like bands but i don't like solo acts'. that's ridiculous. so they should be lumped together. Brian Eno is the most heard most musician on the planet. there is no doubt. either in his solo, group or production work.
  6. also if we're talking the artist who people have heard the most either in production or his own songs then Brian Eno would surely be the biggest.
  7. glad we made that distinction.
  8. who cares! popularity has never been and never will be indicative of quality.
  9. and muse are fucking awful. just as bad, if not worse, than coldplay.
  10. to be honest. musicians shouldn't care about their audience size or dedication, great if they play to millions of people but i don't think it irks the smaller bands, in the slightest, that they don't sell out wembley or make millions from their records because ultimately, one plays music for the pleasure of playing it - anything else is a bonus.
  11. what exactly does being the biggest band in world equate to musically?
  12. Fact not opinion sloop john yes but it does not validate anything about an artist. relativism, as i have said before, is a classic foil for bad arguments to hide behind.
  13. lets not go there again big thompers.
  14. coldplay inspire comatose. they are the beige of music.
  15. but he plays left back for Inter. and may I add superbly. Maicon is picked ahead of Alves for the Brazil NT, what does that tell you about him?
  16. I struggle with Capote. He has incredible talent but his dedication to phonetic dialogue makes his work hard to digest.
  17. so the new sigur ros song is basically a giant animal collective parody.
  18. in the last few days i've seen Tôkyô Monogatari - Tokyo Story [Yasujiro Ozu - 1953] 8/10 L'Argent - Money [Robert Bresson - 1983] 9/10 Offret - The Sacrifice [Andrei Tarkovsky - 1986] 9/10 Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes - Aguirre: Wrath Of God [Warner Herzog - 1972] 8/10 pretty sweet few days.
  19. maicon and chivu not great players? what the fuck are you talking about.
  20. what about sennas this season against betis for villarreal. that was insane.
  21. I think Spain, Portugal, Italy and France are the teams to watch for enjoyment. Spain have the most ridiculous squad (their center mid choice is the best i've ever seen) and should win but they can never play in tournaments so we'll see.
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