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Everything posted by SloopJohn

  1. Well it appears you're re-writing a lot of text that has been written since the late 1950s, that disagree with you. But what the hell you're the expert aren't you? haha. i'm just saying what i think. anyway man, no need to get so uppity.
  2. Sloopjohn, two words - fuck off. If that's the best you can do I suggest studying something else. Maybe you should consider accountancy because I doubt you realise 0 comes after 24! Obviously academics are also lazy because Resnais's film in your opinion doesn't make New Wave. Have you actually watched it? Do you actually understand what French New Wave is? Flashbacks, use of documentary/news footage from post Hiroshima were all common production technics in 1958, weren't they? As for your comment on Weekend, maybe you can go ask one of your lecturers the importance of it because you're obviously can't find it yourself. Easy tiger. yes of course i've watched Hiroshima Mon Amour - and even though it uses flashbacks / news footage as you said, so does Mirror and that film has absolutely nothing in common with the classic French New Wave style (which is defined by a reckless and playful subversion of then standard cinema ideals). Hiroshima Mon Amour has a much slower pace, and even though it's narrative is split between the past and present, Resnais shows careful consideration when moving between these two time periods and how the images fit together. In comparison to say Jules et Jim for instance, where Truffuat shows little regard for image continuity and coherence, the films are world apart in how they approach the medium. And using news footage, Resnais had already done that with Night & Fog in 1955, which pre-dates the New Wave movement historically, so I wouldn't say this technique is a hall mark of New Wave film making. French New Wave is an extremely playful movement in general and Hiroshima Mon Amour isn't remotely playful in it's approach to it's themes of regret and how the past shapes the present - which for me - seperates the film entirely from the New Wave despite Resnais being an obvious contemporary of the New Wave film makers. as for your quip about what I said about Weekend. did you understand it? I found the film funny because it's an extreme satire of French bourgeois values - and for me, is as frivolous and generally bat-shit crazy as Super Æ.
  3. Hiroshima Mon Amour is not French New Wave. it's like saying Bresson is French New Wave just because he was French and made films during the 50's, 60's and 70's despite his cinema having nothing in common with the classic 'New Wave' films. critics normally include Resnais though with Truffuat and Godard because lets be honest. critics are fucking lazy. i didn't really enjoy Hiroshima Mon Amour although the opening 20 minutes were spectacular, but I'm still keen on seeing Last Year At Marienbad - which aesthetically looks really interesting. and Weekend. now that is a hilarious movie. it's like the cinema equivalent of Super æ.
  4. futureheads are a lot of fun live. one of the best festival performances i've seen. i'd really recommend going.
  5. messi plays better in big games than Ronaldo. he scored a hat trick against Real Madrid last season, the second game after coming back from a long injury, and when Barca only had 10 men. that is performing at the highest level. and he was awesome in both games in the CL this season. always looked dangerous.
  6. Saw them at Northumbria Uni a few months back. Fucking brilliant would be the most apt term. yeah seriously. i kind of liked their album before i saw them live at all tommorows parties (curated by explosions in the sky)... and know i can't get enough of their shit. live they are
  7. battles - atlas people won't be people when they this sound
  8. i thought macs always worked.
  9. He doesn`t go missing in big games.................he`s simply marked more closely and by better players. Another myth dispelled. just like Ibrahimovic. and i've yet to see Ronaldo set a big game alight (Champions League Semi / Final or League vs. Top 4) while I have seen Ibrahimovic dominate big games (Roma away for Juve in 2005, Real Madrid away in 2006, Milan at home this season).
  10. he just goes as missing in big games as Ronaldo does.
  11. watch the whole of the Ibracadabra compilation on youtube (pt.1 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=g4GzhB40laM) how is that 'shit'. his goals - 32 in 52 games as said. that's ridiculous for a player who also grabs about 20 assists a season. how many Serie A games did you watch last season Torres?
  12. Meant to be shit. Never seen it though. dood see it. it's pretty sweet. some of the cinematography is stunning.
  13. the inzaghi comment is fucking ludicrous. he scored 10 goals in 6 games at the tail end of the Serie A season this year. how is that anything but world class? given he's been injured the rest of the season as well. his international record is also fantastic. nearly a goal every other game. trezeguet is a little fairer I feel. but still. he has a ridiculous goal scoring record in Serie A and only managed a measely 20 goals this season.
  14. Is that having also seen the original or not? I've not heard a good word from those that have. it's as good as the original. if not a little more polished. all the performances are better bar the father. and there are a few dialogue changes etc. recommended if you enjoyed the original.
  15. gerrard was useless tonight. he has to be dropped.
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