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Everything posted by SloopJohn

  1. I dropped out of Newcastle after three months there. I was in Freeman Bayle's in Castle Leazes. A good laff at time. Just not really my thing killing my liver and blowing my student loan.
  2. albums: neil young - on the beach red house painters - red house painters [rollercoaster] beach house - beach house animal collective - feels mercury rev - yerself is steam scott walker - scott 3 fennesz - endless summer and a shit load more.
  3. was a horror show at Juve last season but I have faith. and on loan so it's not a huge gamble money wise.
  4. if xavi comes i'll eat my own cock.
  5. Twin Peaks it is quite sad that none of you have mentioned this show yet.
  6. yeaaaah rock 'n' roll. i remember in my freshers term at Newcastle Uni, 'Massive Nights' was a staple pre-drinker. tune. listening to Red House Painters init.
  7. 3m for Smith. yes please. yes yes yes please.
  8. lovely to see laura get a nomination. she won't win but she's a future winner for sure. plus a pretty sweet person. burial ftw. if radiohead wins i'll cry myself to sleep. average as fuck album.
  9. moutinho wouldn't have much instant impact. he's too small and would get thumped about in the premiership. another viana if you ask me. veloso on the other hand....
  10. lol liverpool will never win anything if they sign milner for 10 million. talk about underwelming signings.
  11. i've read quite a lot of negative stuff about this film since the us screenings. trying not to get too excited.
  12. might as well ban Rio Ferdinand from the England team whilst we're at it.
  13. to be honest this is incredible business for Milan. they have the best medical / health facilities in the world and will get him back to his best.
  14. yes please. would be a fantastic signing.
  15. MilanLab will get him fit as fuck. Pato - Kaka - Ronaldinho quite sexual.
  16. if FM is right he can play right back / left back. quite canny.
  17. FMTastic on loan. win/win situation.
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