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Everything posted by SloopJohn

  1. i agree all clubs with debt are potentially very very fucked if interest rates go up
  2. prawn sandwich seats for me at this match. i can't really justify it but it's free. i'm gonna miss being in the toon though
  3. i'm going to the game prawn sandwich vibes for me though...rather be with the toon but if it's free can't complain
  4. the only answer to this thread is REMAIN IN LIGHT and isn't Stop Making Sense a live album? so how does that count?
  5. next week: -----------------Harper------------- -----Beye------Edgar----Bassong- -Taylor------------------------Duff--- ----------Guthrie---Butt------------- ----------------Guti------------------ -----------Owen----Carroll----------
  6. owen - martins - shola were all meant to start.
  7. link is down what goal is it?
  8. The Devil & Daniel Johnston - the most moving documentary I've ever seen. Of Time & The City Sans Soleil Listen To Britain Man With A Movie Camera The Thin Blue Line Culloden The Grey Gardens
  9. i've seen the end of it where tilda swinton is dancing. spectacular. i gather you'd recommend it then?
  10. pretty good init. heard it earlier this week. ain't no madvillian though.
  11. most people want to write a book. it's one of those widespread unfulfilled wishes.
  12. what i wrote on another forum: misanthropic, corny, trite, bafflingly boring - i couldn't quite believe and I can't really describe how bad it was. even the structure of the film was horrendous. the music was ridiculously misplaced and cheesy. the acting was terrible and multiple hand sex the only positive thing I can say is that choreography and the special effects are good. but they should be with a 120 million dollar budget. and I thought 300 was appalling... I've only seen the opening scene where the comedian gets murdered but I thought the use of Unforgetable playing during it was superb. wait till you get to possibly the worst sex scene of all time (complete with jet flame orgasm symbolism) with Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah in the background
  13. what i wrote on another forum: misanthropic, corny, trite, bafflingly boring - i couldn't quite believe and I can't really describe how bad it was. even the structure of the film was horrendous. the music was ridiculously misplaced and cheesy. the acting was terrible and multiple hand sex the only positive thing I can say is that choreography and the special effects are good. but they should be with a 120 million dollar budget. and I thought 300 was appalling...
  14. Are you a fan of the comic who is disapointed with the adaptation or do you just think it's a bad film? From your other coments about violent films this doesn't sound like something that would appeal to you. I've never read the comic. Violence aside - this film would still be a zero. Easily one of the worst I've ever seen.
  15. probably the worst film i've seen since Wanted.
  16. crime and punishment rock and roll kids. rock and roll. (in russia)
  17. wait. so people aren't allowed to change their minds anymore?
  18. I take it you have never read a proper script... you can easily format Word so it writes exactly like Final Draft does. of course you miss out on a few of the features but hey, it's cheaper than buying Final Draft.
  19. so you have a resolute opinion on God's existence without any understanding of the intellectual material that guides faith?
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