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Everything posted by SloopJohn

  1. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...aODA&pos=11 Theres a simpler JC quote that takes care of him (and probably 95% of other Christians in the world today) - the one about rich men, eyes of needles, camels and heaven. this
  2. i watched elephant on blu ray and it was absolutely stunning
  3. i nearly cried in up it's called being sensitive init
  4. How so? He actually done ok for Madrid last season. Just Milan are absolutely woeful this year and he's not getting any service whatsoever. 8 goals in 20 games for Madrid is much better than I thought he fared. Milan are in the shit at the minute. Suprised Leonardo is still there. it's not Leonardo's fault, he's blameless as far as I'm concerned
  5. yeah he's a dane through and through and a cunt but we'll forget about that
  6. Brazil didn't have Maradona as their coach who's only picked 73 different players for his squad for 11 matches as manager....
  7. Argentina are so shit if they qualify and Maradona is still coach they'll be out in the group stages
  8. lol at people who think Ibrahimovic and Totti are overrated
  9. I've kicked a football around on that pitch went on a stadium tour when i was there and got to kick a footy and american football about for an hour was fucking awwweesssomee
  10. someone needs to stop making these videos with ridiculously shit, sad music over the top everyone knows it's a horrific subject and undeniably tragic so stop treating us like idiots by trying to make us sad through something which is totally unrelated to the subject matter
  11. Veron has actually been one of their best players in qualifying but yes the lack of cambiasso is mystifying
  12. my friend Chloe met the guy who does that the other day apparently it's pretty good
  13. i thought it was pretty terrible visual plagiarism at times too
  14. I thought I left that in my last flat off Brick Lane
  15. So that means if I watch the film in 2D at home...then I can't have a relevant opinion on it? bizarre. Because I believe cinema, in theory, is a completely universal medium - it's for everyone - not just the West / economically elite. It's utterly selfish, snobbish and a ridiculous waste of insane money (I read 300 million dollars) to make a film purely for those limited theatres that can financially and technologically support 3D cinema. And you call it 'progress' but what kind of 'progress' limits a work of an art form (I hesitate to call Avatar a work of art) to a score of countries? I'm basically saying that I have no idea why people even bother making 3D films when there are hardly any good 2D ones around.
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