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Everything posted by SloopJohn

  1. he does it in nearly all his novels which is why i think his works have such fantastic psychological depth - in 3rd person we see the sole actions of the characters which expresses their inner world (the passage about the girl and the beaten donkey in The Idiot is a good example) but then in those furious moments of impassioned drama, which Dostoevsky is so fond of, by shifting the narrative to 1st person, he is able to totally immerse us in the 'moment' (the murder in Crime & Punishment comes to mind). enough pseuding anyway
  2. sidetrack to fill in the gaps?
  3. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?oe=utf-8&amp...2,313.42,,0,6.8 where i grew up
  4. exactly, bar a miracle Arsenal will be torn apart at the Nou Camp
  5. unless marquez is injured they still have milito and marquez to play there in the return, both international cbs. and they got yaya toure who played there in the champs league final last year
  6. indeed, my comment wasn't meant as a slight btw.....just remarking on the difference between there and here. for instance it would take you 24 hours of straight driving to make it from toronto to the border of Manitoba. Or it took me 19 hours of driving to drive 2/3 of the distance across (Smithers to Trail) BC. None taken mate. I find the distances involved on the North American continent mind blowing. I know what you mean...I got on a train in Houston,Texas about 1030pm one evening.....the next day about 430pm we were just leaving El Paso.....which meant we were still just about in Texas.....we didnt arrive into L.A. until 10am the next morning....36 hours and two nights on one train journey that's a ridiculous train journey! how slow were you going from Houston to El Paso? I've driven from Dallas to El Paso and it's no longer than a 10 hour drive...
  7. Are you complaining the muslim population of prisons is on the rise. ....Having complained they shouldn't be allowed to roam free preaching hate? 2 "intellectuals" in bold. Wankers, the pair of them. what was the last Rowan Williams book you read Leazes?
  8. i find it incredibly frustrating how the press has leaped on the Crouch and Wright-Phillips substitutions as game changing but Carrick was immense in midfield. He has to start ahead of Lampard next game (who offered very little). Carrick keeps the rhythm of the game going and because he's such an adept passer from deep he always finds Rooney.
  9. Carrick has made a massive difference since coming on
  10. We've had the same 14 players playing 5/6/7 a side for 5years, figured we'd enter an 11 a side league. Got a sponsor to pay for the shirts £180 for 14 of them and this keepers jersey. how did you go about getting sponsorship? i'm probably starting an 11-a-side team next year so i'd love to know!
  11. i 100% agree with this. all the best single player games, bar a few exceptions, have a terrible or no online play: thief 1 & 2 deus ex monkey island series grim fandango zelda etc. etc.
  12. I think you have to draw a line somewhere under being geordie going west. Probably Wylam. and thats where i grew up great times down by the tyne
  13. my brother was born in Hexham
  14. 'best we've seen from newcastle as an attacking force this season' has that got anything to do with no nolan and two wingers?
  15. *Rubs hands* this should be interesting
  16. I actually made my mind up this morning to listen to more reggae, hadnt listened to Jamrock for a couple of years and was struck by how brilliant it still is. Love the production on all that sort of shit as well. I haven't got a huge collection of that kind of thing but, like you, I'm always reminded of the quality when I dig it out. Have you heard The Gladiators - Trenchtown Mix Up? ridiculously good reggae album.
  17. Have you ever met a Mexican in your life. If 1m yanks died tomorrow, I would feel no more feeling of sympathy than the 150,000 Haitians who have died in the last fortnight. I feel so sad for them people mass deaths, they didn't deserve what has happened. The world clearly cares but as one editorial put it it's a fight to see who can do the most for show. Fuckin wanks. I can't believe you've put a yank link up. Not one person here will ever meet a Mexican, so why put this pathetic link up? Put something relevant to fuckin English people. I don't understand any of it, through calculated ignorance and dismissiveness of them stupid yank bastards. Shame fuckin Russia never nuked the cunts (if they left us alone) in 1961. two of my good friends are mexican...
  18. was that the one where Bernard scored a screamer from a Dyer through ball? and Bramble air shotted it inside our own box for Henry to tap into at the far post? I was there, fucking great match. Shame about Jenas thinking he was playing volleyball Corporate seats? maybe
  19. but ebert liked Indiana Jones 4...
  20. was that the one where Bernard scored a screamer from a Dyer through ball? and Bramble air shotted it inside our own box for Henry to tap into at the far post? I was there, fucking great match. Shame about Jenas thinking he was playing volleyball
  21. roy hodgson is a great manager doing wonders on a shoe string with Fulham
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