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Everything posted by SloopJohn

  1. watch it here: http://www.archive.org/details/AdamCurtis_...enturyOfTheSelf much better quality
  2. srsly Happy Face you have to watch that documentary I sent you a link to
  3. Ronaldinho for two seasons was unbelievable - Messi is certainly a lot more direct and pragmatic a player but for pure entertainment Ronnie was the best of the last decade
  4. i saw him play twice and I was pleasently surprised, in particular his link up play was excellent, see this assist for Canales's goal vs. Sevilla: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-j27vpeKTA slid it through very nicely
  5. how many times did you see xisco play for satander last year?
  6. The Ronaldinho assist to Giuly against Milan at the San Siro
  7. not going to be a lot of good to him on a life sentence mind.................. and I suspect he'll never be allowed out Did you even read what I wrote? sums up this topic tbh
  8. I reckon idiotic do gooders like you should be put down too lad. Are you another yank ? As was said by someone else, your "holier than thou" attitude leaves a lot to be desired. Before condeming anyone who thinks they shouldn't want child murderers executed, put yourself in the position of the parents of one of them. And Craig, I meant what I said ie disperse them and then deal with the other immigration problem, I've posted my views on this topic in the past. This whole 'Holier-than-thou' slander is bizarre. Because, as I said earlier, by deeming my opinions 'holier than thou' you are automatically framing yourself as the 'correct' one in this topic which ironically, in itself, is just another form of piety as all your trying to achieve with an insult like that is by making yourself look intellectually superior to me, or as you so succinctly put it, 'Holier-than-thou'. And yes I've tried to put myself in their position, as far as one can empathise with such an extreme situation, and I think it's incredibly presumptuous to assume that Holly & Jessica's parents would want Huntley dead. Do you remember the Rhys Jones case? - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/6624649...orgiveness.html
  9. i heard it banded around a while ago in terms of comic i mean laughing at him and not with
  10. i don't think leazesmag should be banned purely because of his comedic value to topics like this
  11. You were being superior, maybe not smug to be fair! You said "it's beyond reason..." ie. those you disagree with have no reason/are thinck or ignorant and you said "what the fuck is wrong with you guys", not exactly a compliment. Surely you could have just stated you're against it because you think its barbaric etc. and not suggested people who think otherwise are idoiots? I concede this! I was just frustrated earlier and was definitely too strong. Apology made.
  12. I'm not being smug or superior, I just simply believe that capital punishment is barbaric, regressive and anti-Humanism. As for the whole 'you can't judge whether he deserves to die until you're children have been raped / dismembered etc.' argument which has been banded about in here - that same logic applies to the other side of the coin surely? How can you judge that he deserves to die if you yourself haven't been through exactly the same traumatic experiences that the Well's and Chapman's went through back in 2002? And may I remind some that judging someone as 'Holier-than-thou' is, ironically, in itself an extended form of piety.
  13. This. In normal cases I'm vehemently against it but in his case I have absolutely no sympathy for him. He's tried to take his own life 3 times - why are we spending money preventing him from succeeding? because i hope in this day and age, and i know it sounds absolutely ridiculous, people still value human life over money and whilst one may argue that he doesn't value his life hence he should die, i think it's regressive to think that people don't have a capability for change, even in such an extreme situation
  14. and you wonder why politicians don't trust their people when you guys want to bring the death penalty back! it's beyond reason that anyone in this day and age, having seen the barbarism and destruction that an 'eye for an eye' mentality has bought to the last 8000 years of human history, would be pro-death penalty. what the fuck is wrong with you guys?
  15. when people are remaking classics you know the industry is completely fucked (see Cinema)
  16. just received the yellow away kit from last season with Jonas on the back! :icon_lol:
  17. quality finish from vuckic too!
  18. he was fantastic for the arse last season...take him in a second
  19. itunes rapes your computer particuarly if you're carrying 10,000+ songs, but as my entire library is organised perfectly on there I don't think I can face moving it to another media player
  20. I thought he was fine tbf. It was a pretty scrappy match with plenty of diving but he didn't over react or make any howlers, just let it flow the best he could. I completely agree, the dutch played the dirtiest game I've ever seen. to play like that in a World Cup Final is quite unbelievable.
  21. where's the defensive midfielder?! edit: woops i thought silva was the spanish player, my bad
  22. soulseek was amazing a few years ago, I'm sure it's still pretty good it probably contains the best music library on the internet
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