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Everything posted by SloopJohn

  1. did at BA in Filmmaking at Met Film School and now MA in Russian Studies at UCL
  2. perotti is a quality player. been struggling for form this season but he ripped it up last year. good signing for 6m.
  3. There's a whole bunch of poeple who stick up for him on here, can't remember who they are. Probs for the best. attending
  4. i'm going can't wait. putney bridge is the best option.
  5. Stop it, it hurts. With Gyan alongside him up front it will really be like our top-line 0f 08/09, all they have to do is stick Reid in their for their very own Viduka.
  6. seriously enrique...what a player...dunno how no big club has not come in for him yet
  8. Floyd are so overrated it's not even funny. I do quite like their Barrett-era stuff but as soon as he left and Gilmore's ego swelled to the size of Allardyce's head they became shit
  9. Definitely listen to Down Colorful Hill and Songs For A Blue Guitar next.
  10. that's a pretty good description actually Well I doubt it's too far off - very jangly guitars here and there before thrashing power chords and loose vocals, Some pretty mad narration in there too. Quite enjoying Red House Painters as well, although they are very, very depressing a lot of the music I listen to is anyway. The guitar playing is nice and simple but well complimented by the vocals and use of reverb. I would still say Buckley gets the edge with sad guitar playing but only because of Sin-E` or perhaps because he walked into a river and drowned, who knows? I think Buckley is a lot more dramatic a songwriter which isn't really my thing - what I love about Red House Painters is that their songs don't really go anywhere half the time whilst Buckley most of the time needed some fat vocal crescendo which felt a bit tiresome after a while.
  11. that's a pretty good description actually
  12. Last night I was rocking Philip Glass, Ludovicio Einaudi, Chris O'Reilly, Leonard Bernstein and Eluvium. Pucka Piano. pretty much the oasis', u2s and kols of modern classical then
  13. Fuckin hell, forgot about spiderland by Slint. A fucking awesome album! Spiderland is a ridiculously good. i have to stop myself listening to it most days to give other bands a chance. I haven't heard any of their other stuff, is it any good? Is it as good as Spiderland? Red House Painters I is the saddest, most morose piece of guitar rock ever recorded, makes Buckley look like Abba. Pretty similar feel to Spiderland. Scott 3 is what would of happened if Frank Sinatra had a European sensibility and wrote fantastic lyrics.
  14. Fuckin hell, forgot about spiderland by Slint. A fucking awesome album! Spiderland is a ridiculously good. i have to stop myself listening to it most days to give other bands a chance.
  15. Really good. Played Northumbria uni, the second stage, which is a tiny room. Absolutley heaving. Reminded me of Radiohead, all the nob tweaking and building to a crescendo. Drummer is incredible. Takes centre stage with his cymbal 6ft in the air. Puts on a hell of a show. Sounds great. One for the list! Supposed to be finishing an album and touring this year...though Tyondai Braxton (vocals, guitar, keyboards) has left, so I'm not sure what they'll sound like now. Braxton was Battles. quite worried about their sophomore album tbh.
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