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Everything posted by SloopJohn

  1. minus perry and the 'go large' bit so really just 'Kevin'
  2. I'm going but am sitting in the home fans as my mate has season tickets gonna be painful whatever the result
  3. in terms of lifestyle I'd say it makes a difference otherwise no one would've mentioned Ramadan
  4. SKYRIM it takes an almighty dump on every other game this year...
  5. NME don't even pimp the Beatles that much
  6. Blur. i don't think it's even close
  7. tragic news. toon legend and a top pro. will be missed.
  8. To save Test cricket they need to start introducing day / night games, as 5 day matches don't really work with the whole concept of the 5 day working week, particularly in the warm climates of the southern hemisphere..that South Africa / Australia 2nd Test was fantastic, but can you imagine it with a packed crowd under floodlights it would be fucking mint
  9. we'll lose to a terrible refereeing decision or Rooney's one token 'world class' moment which he provides every season
  10. An eye for goal? He can't finish for shit, he's missed at least 7 goals worth of chances so far this season I think we dodged a bullet Youd rather have obertan than him? He didn't say that, did he? its called promoting discussion, if we've dodged a bullet on a right winger then I assume hes supposedly considered not as good as our current one nice assumption but i never inferered anything of the sort. of course i'd take Gervinho over Obertan, but for 14m? no thanks as McFaul said, Gervinho has not delivered this season at all. as i live in London I have a lot of mates who support Arsenal and they're already getting agitated by his lack of end product...also I didn't say that he'd missed 7 goals worth of chances not 7 clear chances...that's probably being generous too
  11. An eye for goal? He can't finish for shit, he's missed at least 7 goals worth of chances so far this season I think we dodged a bullet
  12. Tribes were excellent when I saw them in Manchester...definitely worth turning up for
  13. Cabaye with a slight injury...Gosling on just before the international break...
  14. just got myself a second hand Black Matte Fender Jazz Deluxe USA
  15. daglish came across as a proper cunt on motd tonight think he's beginning to crack
  16. Favourite moment has to be Sky, over a montage of Capello going berserk at the midfield and defence for giving the ball away, saying "and even Capello is getting excited!" no you fuckwits. he's screaming because Barry has just miscontrolled the fucking thing AGAIN
  17. One of the greatest songwriters of the last 50 years
  18. you know you're fucked as a club when you're luxury player has gone from being Robert to Raylor.
  19. They're pretty shit for 200, you could've got some second hand Churchs for that
  20. Do you not understand the meaning of irony you absolute fuckwit. As for the rest of it made up heresay, you don't know anything about football shown by the fact you can't even spell your own players names correctly. You are like one of those annoying Yorkshire Terriers which won't leave you alone and keeps humping away at ya leg. Bigger and better prospects are CL football, you won't have that for many years. I'll bet you £100 now you won't have it in the next 2 seasons, although as with most people from your area your lack of honour would mean I'll not get paid anyway. I'm sorry but there is no way Poulsen was ever a good player in Italy. he was fucking terrible. sissoko got picked ahead of him which says a lot.
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