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Everything posted by ULSTER MAG

  1. 1st half was looking good until that, going to be tough 2nd. Interesting to see how gosling and guthrie get on in the middle.
  2. And he's playing well. Like to see Marveux on the ball more, seems all left foot tho for someone playing on the right.
  3. Dont mind the price of the taxi, 3 of us coming over. Staying in the Holiday Express Inn, or something like that, handy to the ground. Bit of a bollocks with the tickets, going to have to wait for the general sale to try and get 3 together, members limited til 2 each ffs.
  4. Heading over for the WBA game, whats the quickest way into the city from the airport? Flight arrives 6.30pm, think i'm cutting it fine. Have to go the hotel first as well....
  5. Heading down to Dublin on Saturday a run, haven't been there in years.
  6. Fuck me, had turned off there thinking it was over.
  7. Perch apart, not a bad line up. What sort of team have Blackburn put out?
  8. Stone wall penalty. Spurs looked average up to that. Let's see pardew earn his money in the 2nd half, think we can turn this around..
  9. Not looking forward to this.....
  10. Think our fullbacks raylor and simpson are going to be found out in this game. That said going for 1-1 draw, defensively there not great either.
  11. Usually stay in the Holiday Inn Express in Waterloo Square. Dead on, close to the ground, but again expensive. Avoid the bars down there tho! Think it was £110 a room the last time. Have it booked for the WBA game, £66 tho. Stayed out in Jesmond often too, Northumbria the best of them.
  12. No direct quotes, but that was supposedly the plan. There was an article more recently that he spoke to Gerry Armstrong and had said he had always wanted to play for NI and had never said anything differently. Why would you play for Northern Ireland though, I don't understand it. The vast majority of people at Windsor Park hate catholics and would love nothing more than Norn Iron to be exclusively loyalist state. In their eyes catholics and republicans are scum, I'd want to play for Rep Of Ireland, unless I had an English grandmother of course, they must owe us about 40 players up to nuw the cunts. Hate them that much they'll spend a fortune of their hard earned cash to go and support them every home game??.. (£35 a ticket btw).
  13. Not a great lover of fifa, but got it anyway. Pretty shite at it to be honest but have started the ultimate team. As said before it takes ages to get a game online, must have been 10 min yesterday while some wee prick was deciding his line up. And yes Ant, it does bring you right back to the arena, does my fuckin head in.
  14. Right few Toon fans down our way Ant. Was over in New York few years back and was sitting waiting on the Mrs in a jewellers, when a local lass came over to ask about my Newcastle top. Turned out she was married to a Geordie. They had been home for a European game previous season, also gave me info were to go watch the Toon while out there. Unfortunately no games on tho.
  15. Nothing other than a win, team positive this weekend.

    New Car

    like i said earlier, the a3 is a golf, just nice shell/interior Thats what the salesman said too..

    New Car

    New white Audi A3 coming end of August, Mrs car so can't complain about the colour. Have a VW Golf at the minute, one if the best cars I've ever driven. Would near keep it as a second car.
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