Sup, Villa fan here... hope you dont mind me trespassing.
I can guarantee you that IF we purchase Milner he would be our right winger. Its how MON wants it and actually dont have a right winger except Routledge who is yet to become match fit.
Milner is quite highly regarded with us Villans tho. Good work rate and generally a really talented winger. Might be going a bit stale with you lot, but i would be thrilled if we signed him. Was immense last time he was here.
His work rate and physique would help us defensivly aswell, and MON tend to like big players with the right attitude.
How old is he now? 22?
Either way, regarding the £ 8 Mill i wouldnt take that to seriously. We might end up paying that as MON is willing to pay top dollar for the English youths he want ( NRC £ 8 Mill, Young £ 9 Mill, Davies £ 9 Mill etc.), but he also is impossible to read in the market. That makes it very frustrating at times, but atleast you dont get to many false hopes.
Personally i can see him bidding something like £ 6 Mill with addons etc.
I dont get why you would snap our hands off though. If i were you i would keep him and simply build a better team. The inflated transfer market is quite silly, which you can see from the last two windows. Do you really think you can buy a better winger then Milner for less then £ 8 Mill? Where? I would be really surpised if you managed that. The talents around Europe has for the last 10 years been picked up and added to the big squads of the really big clubs. It really isnt easy adding a similar quality signing for less money in that position.
Milner is very young, experienced, talented, English and plays for a club in the EPL. £ 8 mill. Compare that to Ashley Young who we paid close to £ 10 Mill for over a year ago. He was inexperienced and played for Watford. Obviously i would say his value has doubled since then, but im just trying to tell you that £ 8 Mill for Milner isnt really a brilliant deal for you.