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  1. He was spectacularly arrogant for someone who has achieved and was achieving so little (with no disrespect to his glorious reign at Bolton). That was the worrying thing. He didn't seem to have a particularly good knack of identifying and remedying faults with his teams. No need to try and convinced us mate, we spend two bloody years with Pederson (our striker) at leftback! Oh, and his habit of putting on a defender when losing isn't one of his better qualities! hang on a minute....... My point was, that Newcastle FC will never be successful, unless they are prepared to let a manager (any manager) get his feet under the table. Sam had many faults, most of which was beyond frustrating. Yet he would have carried you forward given the time to do so. Wake up call for NUFC, IT DOESN'T HAPPEN OVER NIGHT! Why can't your board see that it's obviously not down to money spent, or players bought. It simply down to media and fan pressure for Newcastle to be one of the top four again. The problem is, you want it, and you want it NOW! As long as that attitude echoes around St James's Park, your going to continue spending huge, achieving nothing. Before the glorious Keegan era (the media benchmark, where we didnt actually win anything, but had a manager who was given plenty of time), we'd won fuck all for over 20 years. During that time we had managers who were given time and those that weren't. Following Keegan's departure, we've had managers who have been given time (Bobby Robson) and those that haven't. We've still won fuck all. Don't come on here implying that other clubs are more successful simply because they give their managers more time. Bullshit. They make better appointments, demand higher standards of their employees and are just simply better run. Thanks for saving me the trouble of pointing it out. Your best season since Keegan, has been under the one manager given time. Though it was lucky for him he managed to get it right straight from the off. No, see you're wrong. Bobby Robson was a conspicuously (for NUFC) good appointment. The reason our board outdid themselves and managed to pull this coup off however didnt really owe to their brilliant insight or professionalism, it was simply because Bobby Robson was a lifelong Newcastle fan, who would have died for the club and probably would have managed it for free. Regrettably we got him at the wrong time because he was very late on in years. Now to prove my point, the reason we don't win things is because we are run like a fucking joke. By the end of his tenure, the manager since keegan who (as you rightly identify) came closest to winning us anything, was having players bought under his nose and against his better judgement by the fucking fat mong who sat in the chairman's seat and got sucked off by prostitutes in Spanish brothels with his playboy mate Douglas Hall (also on the payroll). What you're saying is a fucking insult to be honest. I've waited 30 years to win something. I don't expect to win anything and I could quite contentedly wait a prescribed length of time if you guaranteed me we'd win something. No, what is apparent to me as a Newcastle fan, who's lived in Manchester my entire life, is not that other fans are more patient than us (trust me there are non less patient in world football than Man U or Liverpool fans), but simply that those other clubs are run with a degree of professionalism that is in a different stratosphere to NUFC. It's not meant to be insulting, I'm addressing NUFC fans as a whole. I'm sure each has their own frustrations. Yet it's not really the fans. If Bolton had pumped the amount of money into transfers that Newcastle has, I'm sure we would all be up in arms. At least you guys manage to fill your stadium every week, which, regardless of circumstance, is commendable. Yet, you are a club that has filtered millions into the team, almost (if not as much) as the top four clubs, and fill a huge stadium every week, what's going wrong? You have been bettered a few times by a club that has spent less then 15 million in five season time and time again (not a dig), while you have struggled for stability. Then get the manager of the club that had done that. Not only that, but all the backroom staff and one of our best defenders too. Then bin him because it didn't happen for you straight away? How many times has Newcastle Utd been back to that square with the number one on it? Is it a gypsy curse? Is it a ridiculous coincidence? Or the case that your board need to finally commit to a long term plan. What? Did they expect Allardyce to suddenly start playing entertaining football? Did they expect to be challenging Arsenal, Chelsea and the Scum straight from the off? Do yourselves a favour. Start looking at the real reason your club is in such disarray. Is it because of all the Premiership proven managers you have sacked? Or a position slightly higher?
  2. He was spectacularly arrogant for someone who has achieved and was achieving so little (with no disrespect to his glorious reign at Bolton). That was the worrying thing. He didn't seem to have a particularly good knack of identifying and remedying faults with his teams. No need to try and convinced us mate, we spend two bloody years with Pederson (our striker) at leftback! Oh, and his habit of putting on a defender when losing isn't one of his better qualities! hang on a minute....... My point was, that Newcastle FC will never be successful, unless they are prepared to let a manager (any manager) get his feet under the table. Sam had many faults, most of which was beyond frustrating. Yet he would have carried you forward given the time to do so. Wake up call for NUFC, IT DOESN'T HAPPEN OVER NIGHT! Why can't your board see that it's obviously not down to money spent, or players bought. It simply down to media and fan pressure for Newcastle to be one of the top four again. The problem is, you want it, and you want it NOW! As long as that attitude echoes around St James's Park, your going to continue spending huge, achieving nothing. Before the glorious Keegan era (the media benchmark, where we didnt actually win anything, but had a manager who was given plenty of time), we'd won fuck all for over 20 years. During that time we had managers who were given time and those that weren't. Following Keegan's departure, we've had managers who have been given time (Bobby Robson) and those that haven't. We've still won fuck all. Don't come on here implying that other clubs are more successful simply because they give their managers more time. Bullshit. They make better appointments, demand higher standards of their employees and are just simply better run. Thanks for saving me the trouble of pointing it out. Your best season since Keegan, has been under the one manager given time. Though it was lucky for him he managed to get it right straight from the off.
  3. He was spectacularly arrogant for someone who has achieved and was achieving so little (with no disrespect to his glorious reign at Bolton). That was the worrying thing. He didn't seem to have a particularly good knack of identifying and remedying faults with his teams. No need to try and convinced us mate, we spend two bloody years with Pederson (our striker) at leftback! Oh, and his habit of putting on a defender when losing isn't one of his better qualities! hang on a minute....... My point was, that Newcastle FC will never be successful, unless they are prepared to let a manager (any manager) get his feet under the table. Sam had many faults, most of which was beyond frustrating. Yet he would have carried you forward given the time to do so. Wake up call for NUFC, IT DOESN'T HAPPEN OVER NIGHT! Why can't your board see that it's obviously not down to money spent, or players bought. It simply down to media and fan pressure for Newcastle to be one of the top four again. The problem is, you want it, and you want it NOW! As long as that attitude echoes around St James's Park, your going to continue spending huge, achieving nothing.
  4. He was spectacularly arrogant for someone who has achieved and was achieving so little (with no disrespect to his glorious reign at Bolton). That was the worrying thing. He didn't seem to have a particularly good knack of identifying and remedying faults with his teams. No need to try and convinced us mate, we spend two bloody years with Pederson (our striker) at leftback! Oh, and his habit of putting on a defender when losing isn't one of his better qualities!
  5. What a bloody stupid decision that was! We at Bolton have good right to hate to fat faced git, but he would have gotten Newcastle FC back into the top six. All he needed, is what any manager needs, time to turn around a club, especially one like Newcastle, which lets face it, has players and staff that, at the moment don't have a fxcking clue whats going on. Bloody shame for you to be honest. If you want to debate it elsewhere, it's being debated on our Bolton site here: http://www.the-wanderer.co.uk/boards/viewforum.php?f=21
  6. If you want serious (or none serious) debate, especially about your current situation (as it's being debated now!) in reference to owd fatface. Join in here: http://www.the-wanderer.co.uk/boards/index.php You'll find plenty about the Toon on this forum: http://www.the-wanderer.co.uk/boards/viewforum.php?f=21 Hope to see you there. SOTWA.
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