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Everything posted by Maestro7

  1. Great minds think alike.....that was my 1st impression anyway.
  2. If we get Mclaren i see a massive revolt happening and i just dont see it to be honest! I think the "we arent lookin for a foreign manager" is a smoke screen tbf.
  3. Well i want mourinho and i think we mite get him, but looking at list theres a few candidates out there!! I would also like lippi or van basten too!
  4. Well it would be nice! I wonder how much he will defer from sams ways, and how the players respond? You never know we could beat manUre and appoint pearson fulltime!
  5. I'm not sure if you've seen this message board recently, but it appears that a lot of the people in this thread who are lamenting the decision are the same ones who thought Sam was a waste of space. Just saying. Well said mate iv notice a distinct smell of hypocracy lately too, not naming names like
  6. Stranger things have happened mate, jose has always had an admiration for our club and i think we are just the challenge for him. Plus a huge cotract from the big man up top!
  7. Some strong decisions now, now we have concluded that sam wasnt ever going to bring the football us geordies have come to know. Ashley and mort must be strong and make the correct choice this time round. Also this will there their man so im thinkin we can see the next guy here for a supbstantial amount of time (10 months ) I think with ashley putting his man in charge we will see a plan and steady progression from here on in. Id love to know if "the special one's" phone number is in ashleys recently dialled numbers?
  8. Well well well bolt out of the blue but not much of a suprise! Ashley muct not of trusted BSA with his money so fair play though i would of waited till end of the season. Which suggests he has made a few phone calls already and i dunno why but iv got a sneaky feelin we could be seeing the "special one" here very soon! Or maybe alan shearer??
  9. Well I think you think rubbish when you don't consider Beye at right-back, he's one of our better performers. And Milner before Duff, yer joking right? Well i was talkin about during the ANC so beye would not be available, of course he is 1st choice right back! And for milner yeah i would have him in before duff, duff still gotta prove himself for me, though i do think he would do well cutting in from the right.
  10. After a restless nights sleep tossing and turning in bed, mulling over the situation at st james park, you wake up to find yourself behind BSA's desk with a note from Chris Mort infront of you. "Sam we have concluded that we need to release funds to you in order to build a team capable of a top half finish this year" "Your budget will be £20mil to spend how you wish but we expect quality and the sale of the fringe players that are expendable" What would you do and where would you start? Well for me its quite simple......i personaly dont think we need another centre back as we have sufficient quality in Faye, Taylor, Cacapa, Rozenhal and edgar in reserve. Left back seems to be covered with enrique and charlie doing well there also you tozer in reserve. So this being said i look at right back and think beye is a fantastic player but he's gone for 4-6 weeks and we have no cover (hardly call carr cover) so diarra at 5-6 mil is a good choice as he can play right back and is good in midfield. Next is the lack of creativity in midfield and seeing as emre isnt getting a look in, and when he does, fails to cut it, id let him go and go get arshavin for 8 mil, hes interested and exactly what we require. Finally upfront, for me we have smith, viduka, owen, martins and shola, of which owen and shola can go if bids wer made. And id go for big dean ashton 8mil or defoe for about 10-12mil. Then i think we have a squad capable on stability in the top half and ready to build upon at the end of the season. ---------------------Given--------------------- Diarra-----Taylor-------Faye------Enrique Milner-----Arshavin-----Butt-------N'Zogbia --------------Martins------------------------- ----------------------Ashton------------------ Pretty good i think!
  11. Diarra is a good target in my opinon, and i also think he does posess creative talent aswell as his ability to tackle and pass the ball. He is as effective as an attacking midfielder as he is in holding midfield. Dont get me wrong he is no fabregas but i think he is a more alog the lines of a younger and less eratic version of patrick viera. Good move BSA hope ya pull this one off!
  12. Alreeet lads! and er lasses! haha Rite im new to this and iv seen a few of you with avatars and cool signature pics nd videos, i was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to tell me how to do it 1st of all and secondly if there is anyone who can create me a sig pic because im useless on photoshop? Would be grateful like
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