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Everything posted by Maestro7

  1. Bit harsh given his string of excellent saves in the game. A string og saves that ANY PL keeper would of been expected to make. The 4 reflects upon his absolutely appauling kicking throughout the match, which i remember saying in the 1st half would get us into trouble and in the end it eventually did. He could and should of got a stronger hand to ronaldo's freekick and didnt as well. And beleive me mate i am a huge fan of given, one of the best keepers in europe but he has been a bit suspect this season IMHO
  2. My dream is for Keegan to broadcast a brand new rendition of his "I would love it!" rant on the final game of next season already 12 points clear on ManU playing them at home and shafting them 7-0. What do you think about that Fergie! Well im not fergie but....................Id LOVE it, LOVE it if that came true!
  3. Well to be honest mate, i think we have a squad littered with underacheiving stars. And if there is one man who can give them a much needed kick up the arse and a huge confidence boost, its KK! We will see a return of the fantastic atmosphere of yester-year, which in effect and always has, will lift all the players games. He will instill the geordie pride again and have 11 players fighting and playin with pride!! Mindless optimism or could there really be something special about to happen.......i thinks its a bit of both!
  4. I have a dream and what a dream it is! Keegan takes over and shearer is appointed his assistant. Shearer comes out and says he's ready to learn under KK and help build something special at St James Park. KK appoints a backroom team of les ferdinand and beardsley as attacking coach's. Gary Speed and Rob Lee as midfield coach's and a certain Steve Howey as our defensce coach! Oooooaaah Now im not sure who has and hasnt got coaching badges but hey its a dream and damn rite id love to see it! Also we have half a season too lay foundations for an assult on the PL next year! KK has inherited a potentially lethal squad (attackingwise) and with a couple of additions we can be the force we once were! How Keegan'esque is this line up??? ---------------------Given---------------------- Beye----Taylor-----------Cacapa----Enrique Milner-----Emre----------N'zogbia---Duff ------------Owen--------Martins-------------- A dream?? A fuckin wet dream more like!! I have a feeling, maybe blind optimism but we could be onto something very very special here boys! HOWAY TH LADS!
  5. Well il speak up for ya leazes!! Iv progressivly got more and more irritated with tribal shit lately too....he's a complete fuckin cock!! Sorry people but i come on hea to read and talk about the toon, and everyday without fail this shit has always opened his fuckin pointless excuse of a mouth! TRIBAL OUT THREAD???
  6. manc-mag........manc fuckin mag......fuck off mate your name says it all you fuckin clueless tosser.........END OF
  7. Well forced was not a word i used, if he had stayed with allardyce he would of been expected to of given BSA funds to buy players with. Thus meanin if he didnt have faith in BSA's abilities to be successfull at the toon, he would of had to reluctantly release funds to him. Didnt think it needed explaining to be fair mate....thought it was obvious.
  8. The fact he's been in management since 1985 and i dont know who the fuck he is worries me! I mean he could be ossama bin ladens love child for all i know!
  9. Didier Deschamps in my eyes is one that never ever even entered my head at all! I was playin snooker in my local thnite and my good mate whos manager at ladbrooks in ashington came and said said hes jumped straight in a 2/1! I was like "what dider fuckin deschamps!" but after talking about it and giving it some thought, remembering watching monoco and thinkin fuckin hell go on son. I was quite refreshed and excited at the thought of him being linked with us. He is after all an very promising up and coming manager and yes id be absofuckinlutely delighted if i heard on the radio we appointed him! Now to a point someone made earlier in this thread about mort proving his competency and the sacking of allardyce being shepherd like.......Fuck off man, mort has been othing than professional in everything he has done and said since his arrival. So too has mike ashley! Mort being a top lawyer in the country speaks volume's, shows his competency in his field and his profesionalism alone. And Ashley being a self made billionaire speaks volumes in itself. As for the Allardyce sacking well, i still get puzzled when people say it was a bad decision blah blah blah, wrong time, no guarenteed replacement blah blah blah...the fact is ashley was man enough and decent enough to give allardyce a chance and to be fair BSA progressivly blew it! Ashley and mort made the decision to sack him and rightly so, it was that or reluctantly release funds to a manager they have 0% faith and and theyd be sure as hell to see poor quality signings with that money! I for one and im sure im dont stand alone in this opinion think that mort and ashleys decions to sack him and go down this rather lengthy appointment process to be 100% correct! And its a refresshing change to the farce that was everyting conerned with the fat freddy regime!
  10. Why do people keep sayin that? delusional or what....chelsea for there 1st title played brilliant football, then he wanted to protect it with more solid football. Jose plays excellant tactically spot on attacking football. If your pplayin to win, then your attacking.
  11. No chance?? Naaa i think theres a small chance, and after reading ashleys interview today id like to think he'd put his money where his mouth is! If ashley was to approach mourinho with a 5mil a year contract i think he would jump at the chance. Hes the type who would strive in our fishbowl football club, he has what it takes to do something very special here. So offer him a "very special" contract for a "very special" manager who could and would turn our club, into a "very VERY special" club. I think i need to go to bed and DREAM Oh....................Dreams do come true if you want them enough!!
  12. Pardon my ignorance but whats he called again? he's the croatia coach rite?
  13. Come on mate yes he has no relevant experience but so fuckin what! He is gonna play the correct team week in week out, and he will DEFINATLY play attacking football with two wingers. He is everything we want, plus a geordie and a positive surrounding. Though there will be the fuckin idiotic minority which you'll no doubt be a part of whinging and moaning whoever we appoint. Fact is and someone said it earlier, we arent going to move on until he has had his go. But i do think he would do well for us.
  14. "Say what you see!" Well its true.....brings a new meaning to "fickle"
  15. Well iv said this all along that, shearer would bring a huge lift to the club and would play the team and football we want, plus we are not going to move on untill he has had his shot at it. I persoanlly think it is the best move for us if we are not to be able to get mourinho. I like redknapp but shearers a better choice! Would love to see shearer and keegan together. Maybe even rob lee in as a coach too? haha
  16. If you believe what you read in the papers. Exactly! Some people slate the media and in the next breath state something they've just read, and should really ought to be able to concur that its fabricated media bullshit!
  17. I personally think he would do well for us so he'd have my backing, if only to see decent football for a few years untill big al takes over!
  18. Fuckin pathetic.......some of you on here are down right ridiculus and you know who you all are! No wonder we are in the situation we are when we've got tossers amongst our ranks who act like this! PATHETIC!
  19. To be honest guys redknapps not a bad shout, he will have us playin good footbal and if we are playin well, we will win games, if we win games we progress up the league and eventually into europe and the top 4. It all starts with playing good football and harry will bring that! Though i would prefer the likes of jose or lippi, i still thik HR is the best out of the other names banded about atm.
  20. Well theres no mention of HR so he musnt...I really dont think we will see HR or MH i think we are gonna be in for a suprise!! He does. He wanted him to come in after Jol left. He loves the guy. Can he not have friends in football without them being supposed candidates for the job? Do you work in the media by any chance?
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