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Everything posted by AgentFox

  1. Found this one Novotel Right next to Kingston Park station (Green Line)
  2. AgentFox


    The company that designs the site probably does others and there's a central database somewhere with ID's for all the other players in the premiership
  3. So I didn't quite make it to SJP at Christmas, but definatley looking to go at the end of February to take my partner and boy to the European match. We are looking to stay at a travel lodge for a couple of nights, can you tell me a little bit about the surrounding areas and which one you would pick if you had to stay in one? Newcastle Central Gateshead Newcastle Whitemare Pool Washington A1( M) Northbound Washington A1(M) Southbound Newcastle Seaton Burn They go in closest order to the stadium
  4. AgentFox


    Hmm seems like Tevez is on his way as well Tevez at United
  5. So comical Ali is starting to look like a clown with pie on his face
  6. Sort your sig out Foxy. And I heard that Vista has something like 10 options for when you want to shut down etc. are userbars gone for eva then
  7. Not sure what she did in the end but im coming up for the quarter finals 3 games in one year
  8. To be fair Linux has had this technology for a while now, and the 3d desktop and widgets is nothing new. Im not a great fan of Microsoft as lately I think that they try to copy what other open source users have already done. But as far a clone of a linux desktop top, vista dosnt look that bad just a shame that they have to break it down it to so many different versions, which you know is going to come back and haunt them in a few months time
  9. A quote from the bbc review of the game "The Peruvian curled in a peach of a ball from the right which found the French striker who stretched his bald head forward to nod the ball past Reading's Hahnemann." Is sibby turning out to be a good signing or what
  10. No, we always had a large amount of the possession under Souness. Go figure. Translate that please. it's not difficult. bbc not updating on me whats the score Humour me. I can never tell when you're just being a prick. Under Souness I noticed often that we would have a greater amount of possession than the other side, even when our performances were dire and we lost. Which just goes to show that what you do when you have the ball is more important than how often you have it. And, hey, at least I'm able to choose when I'm a prick, rather than being mired in perpetual prickness. Silence
  11. What must it be like to be this guy, I mean if your a professional sportsman and you receive an injury, these days they send you to this doctor. It must be awesome to class your self as a world wide specialist in knee surgery.
  12. One other thing, I would definitely have sol and woodgate as my two CB
  13. Upfront Shearer and Owen. If it wasn't for his injury there would have plenty more goals last season and if we had owen 5 years ago that would have been awesome
  14. Hmph dont know what too say there, would have been a good addition for us
  15. I did try and run him over the other day, what do I get?
  16. What happens if the ref scores a goal, Does it count?
  17. Numa Numa has got to be one of the funniest things on YouTube The Original Three Dudes Numa Numa just as good
  18. Harper and Pav are not in the squad Foster is stepping up
  19. I noticed blackburn were the only team not to play this weekend as well, was hoping they were going to play and loose 3 nil
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