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Everything posted by Anth

  1. Anth


    Cheers, I'll try the walk in centre after work. Think its the worst pain I've ever experienced. I'll have to lay off the port and Venison for a while!
  2. Anth


    Been hit with this for the first time and it feels like my big toe has been smacked with a Hammer then set on fire. Anyone know any natural remedies? With the amount of food threads of here there has too be a few people with it Aye I know, I will go to the Docs when I get a chance!
  3. Anth


    And there's also talk of Israel bearing the brunt of any retaliation in response to an American attack http://www.timesofisrael.com/syria-iran-issue-explicit-warning-to-israel-if-us-attacks/ Not to mention Russia's stance on an attack without UN backing. This is looking quite dodgy imo.
  4. Anth


    Assad has nowt to gain from using Chemical weapons, also just came across this image:
  5. Fuckin hell Capstaff, is he still alive?
  6. Yep, totally agree. He seems to adore the sound of his own voice too!
  7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2343747/Alan-Pardew-fighting-save-Newcastle-job-Joe-Kinnear-arrival-Steven-Taylor-welcomes-appointment.html So looks like its 100% True then. Fuck
  8. Thinking it would be funny launching screamer fireworks from a metal tube at our back door. Forgetting that the tube was completely hollow. Said screamerer s fell straight through the tube into the living room. My mother still mentions the scortch marks on her carpet to this day
  9. Died this morning, RIP. Loved his books! http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2013/mar/20/james-herbert-horror-author-dies
  10. Nail on the head for me, you must get fuck all purchase by sticking your hand into a bog, between your legs...
  11. So what do you do? Lean forwards and stick your hand in the bog? Hang on... You don't go in from the front do you?
  12. Anyone who doesn't stand up and go from ring piece backwards is one scruffy fucker like!
  13. Anyone watch this last night? Fuck me, it was quite disturbing like. Violence, hostage taking, threats of rape... Made me realise that I'd never hack it inside like http://www.guardian.co.uk/tv-and-radio/2013/feb/18/her-majestys-prison-aylesbury-review
  14. J69 if you can be arsed with a five / ten minute walk, I'd park on the street next to the Globe pub and the arena. No yellow lines so its free.
  15. Fop was easily the best like..
  16. Its not hard to pick up but Its a fucking killer like . Keeps you fit!
  17. Edlon Leisure as has been said. Ponetland Leisure Centre also has courts, or the Lightfood in Walker.
  18. Did you watch the one about Brian Cockerill from Boro? Looked like a heart attack waiting to happen!
  19. Speaking on Netflix, we signed up for it a few weeks ago and the actual content seems canny poor. Could she have unknowingly signed up to the bamps package with fuck all on, or is there only one option?
  20. Aye kids should be kids, but I don't think homosexuality should be seen as unacceptable. People are born with it In my opinion.
  21. Nah I'd quite happily shoot Dale Winton like!
  22. it seems half the TV presenters etc are gay these days. Which promotes the acceptability of it especially to kids. People like Louie Spence, Dale Winton to name 2 are an embarrassment and should be kicked off TV. Or prefereably shot. Graham Norton is a good laugh though. Out of interest why shouldn't it be seen acceptable to Kids?
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