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Everything posted by Anth
I'm sure its something like 17 league games since Spurs beat Arsenal, trust them to look like getting a result when we could do with them getting a hiding!
If you have that much contempt for us why post here? You using deny that your posts are thinly veiled digs, yet every now and then you come out with thig sort of shit.. why bother being here?
I think If I had done that, and got caught, an email with "LMFAO and epic fail" would result in my p45!
I'll also enjoy reading the damage limitation in her column in OK magazine! I'm sue its just down to the "hectic schedule, running around after the kids and the horlicks she drinks to help get to sleep"
Yeah, she had it all and is now bankrupt after buying sports cars ect so I do agree it can be hard to generate sympathy. But seeing someone like that can make me feel for her in a way.. After I have finished getting my voyeuristic thrill from watching her monged on early morning TV
From the looks of him, he's probably her dealer.
I like your cynicism Alex, It helped diminish any sympathy I had for her! Surely her husband, who was there, should have put the block on it... If he has her best interests at heart
I'd like to know exactly what sort of medication makes you gurn like that (except the stuff from bolivia!) Never thought I'd say this but I actually feel sorry for her in a way, she looked like she didn't have a clue what was going on..
Cheers, Think I'll steer clear. One film I haven't seen but have been recommended recently is Eraserhead, anyone seen it?
Aye, quite different films too. Aranofsky (spelling)- Has done anything else?
Pi is good like, even though its usually on some of the most pretentious 'top ten' film lists on the Internet. Incidentally the bloke who plays Max Cohen is also the doctor at the end of Requiem for a dream. Which I think is really overhyped. Though I like the scenes where his mother slowly descends into amphetamine based psychosis
I always thought he was a twat after he offered that radio presenter on, but now he is a confirmed cunt. I mean ok chin him if you think you can, but to ask your mates to stick one on him, then add it to your book makes you a horrible little cunt
o'leary or Pearce for me please.. Its not like anyone decent would touch us with a barge pole
Fuck me, I wish sky would stop interviewing mongoloids out side of St James! (Apologies if thats someones wife on now!
Anything by James Herbert or Richard Laymon, I've yet to disappointed by either author.
Beck was my form tutor in the second year and came across as a funny bloke, If a little arrogant like! Stevie, did you have much to do with Mr Shaw, he was another one who I didn't really get on with!
My spelling is terrible, especially online - hardly a way to measure one's intelligence! And I didn't mean every one in A, just a small collection of individuals who genuinely thought they were better than everyone, due to the lack of geordie / north east accent ect. There were some decent people in the A class when I was there.
Aye, I was between A-D also and got on with most of the Posh kids (apart from the real elitist Kids in A), as well as some of the "radgies", and never got bullied, but there were some horrible fuckers in that school like! Alot of people I know who went to places like Walbottle always made out that it was a school for posh cunts- they never realised how many toe rags went there too!
Ben Anderson, aye remember him like, he was head of lower sixth when I was there, never had too much to do with him though tbh. Heard that about Dix like, but always though it was just the usual Bull shit. The was another art teacher who I couldnt stand, cant remember his name though looked like kenny everit or Gerry adams- Well he had a beard. You know, I sort of look back with fond memories of St Cuthberts, but If I take the rose tinted specs off deep down I know I fucking hated most of it until sixth form.
Aye Paddy McPaul was there when I was, used to see him round Chapel House a few years back too. I got on really well with him but some of my mates didnt like. Spraggon was another good lad like! Did you ever get an Art teacher called Mrs Dicks/ Dix? She was another one could be a total twat! Johnson told us stories about the boarding school he was at as a kid, was run by Nazi's in hiding. He also used to tell us about when him and his mates used to smoke Hallucinogenic leaves - He was deadly serious too, legend
Peffer! I remember him like ,well spoken chap who took Coral and Rugby? - I remember Whelan the RE teacher, and Mrs Thompson the Jock, they could both shout a fair bit. I remember a canny physics teacher called Phillips who was a quality bloke but yet again, could flare up if you messed with him. One of the best teachers I had there was Mr Johnson the RE teacher, used to tell some great stories too. Im 27 now Stevie so you probably know roughly the same teachers I knew.
Was Lord really in a firm? Christ, didnt see that coming! Thought he was ok but if you fucked with him he could turn! Stapleton was another one who could reduce even the hardest kid to tears! Agree about ruanne like wasn't a massive fan! Was it Mirs Mitchell the German teacher you were on about? Always got on well with the likes of Mick Fleck, Stan Eardley, Pete Baron, and also Monaghan was canny but if you fucked with him, you knew about it! Used to work with Peter Ewart, canny bloke but could talk the hind legs of a donkey