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Everything posted by Anth

  1. Thanks for the replies lads. We've sorted the council tax out already. So i think its just the deeds and the mortgage that is left to sort. Rather than buying me out I'm just writing it off to be honest, the house is probably worth less than we paid now. One thing though, She claims that she still wants the 3 grand for repairs I owe her, even after she's the sole owner of the house???? I told her to get knotted - She claimed that becuase the repairs/decorating/ upgrades were done when I was living there I need to bung her. Thats got to be bollocks hasnt it?
  2. Split up with the woman on New years day, and since then I have been paying half the mortgage and a little bit of money I owe her for repairs (the total is £3 grand!) Any way, shes now decided that she will take the house on by herself which is what I've been asking for, for a while... What exactly do I have to do, and what do I need to shell out for? I know I'll have to get a solicitor for the transferal of the deeds, but what will happen to the mortgage. Can she just take it over, or will she need to apply for another mortgage? Will I be eligable to pay her anything on the mortgage front? I realise that I'll have to pay half for the transferal of deeds. I know a good bit of advice would be to speak to solicitors/ mortgage company ect but I thought I'd ask here first so I dont look like a complete mong when I ring them
  3. Nah, the bloke who owns the Percy has it, though the brewery have sold the land to an old peoples home developer. He should have moved out a week or so ago but he's staying until he's kicked out. They have wrote a song about it here Vallum Song They have also said they have found bats in the roof, in order to get a conservation order. Can't see how he has a leg to stand on tbh, the bar has been sold.
  4. Never been in, never fancied it like. Heard a few stories about the place. Have you seen they are trying to save the Vallum?
  5. Anth

    A few tips

    All I know about horses is that they have four legs and eat hey!
  6. Anth

    A few tips

    Cheers Stevie! Had Twenty on the fucker! Out of Interest how much did you stick on?
  7. Anth

    A few tips

    Made me think of top tips... Save a fortune on laundry bills. Give your dirty shirts to Oxfam. They will wash and iron them and you can buy them back for fifty pence. EMPLOYERS: Avoid hiring unlucky people by immediately tossing half the CVs into the bin. CAR THIEVES: Don't be discouraged if nothing is on view. The valuables may be hidden in the glove box or under a seat. HOUSEWIVES: Before attempting to remove stubborn stains from a garment, circle the soiled area with a permanent pen so that when you remove it from the washing machine you can check the stain has gone. YOUNG mothers: Calm hysterically crying children in the supermarket by firmly slapping their legs and then tugging them along by the wrist.
  8. Ha! Did even notice that. No doubt he'll be drowning his sorrows tonight and end up legless!
  9. Looks like a builder has had a chimney breast fall on him during the demolition, Bad crack like. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/tyne/7895745.stm
  10. Anth

    A few tips

    Bunged a bit on sportsline, odds had dropped to 1/2 by the time I got there like! Hope it comes in.
  11. Back to the program... Nobody needs to protest against or slag off the BNP when they put themselves on show like this. The bit where someone mentions they dont mind the mosque being built around their area, and the woman replies "You will when one of them rapes your daughter" Genuine lol from the sheer retardedness!
  12. If it wasn't the fact that I was kicked out on new years day by her, and have subsequently ended up back at my parents, Id find this depressing.
  13. Yeah, you're location is Ireland, whilst mine is Lemington. Quite a distance apart.
  14. Any one watch this last night? It focused on the 'Crocky Crew' and their rivals. What a bunch of absolute oxygen thieves! I know you get the dross up here but it seems a million times worse with in Liverpool with all the Guns...
  15. Anth


    Yeah, I alwatys thought these lot and HMV were on borrowed time. You can get DVD's and stuff much cheaper online. And they are also up against the illegal downloaders
  16. Anth


    Zavvi going under! At this rate, by the end of next year Northumberland St will be full of empty retail units!
  17. Anth

    XBox 360

    Alright, She has just bought an Xbox360 and was wondering who has one? , and how what can be done with them. I.e can I watch films on my PC via the router ect and how easy is it to flash the DVD drive ect Any info or decent links appreciated!
  18. Technical Analyst at a sleepy district council in Northumberland. IT project management and support ect ect
  19. These may or may not have been mentioned: 2001 a space odyssey - What the fuck is going on there! Requiem for a dream and pi.. Both alright films imo but not the classics they seem to be banded around as on the interweb! Spinal Tap. I only managed to watch this a few years ago, and It was a bit meh about it. probably as alot of films and tv emulated that style of comedy meaning it was sort of old hat to me.. The Big Lebowski - Is this considered a classic? my lasses bearded PHD student of a brother will sit in fornt of this and other cohen brothers films and claim they are masterpieces - I didn't see the attraction tbh - mildly entertaining plot but nowt spectacular Blade runner - Ended up bored!
  20. Do you make any other exceptions or just SBR? just curious like...
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