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Everything posted by Anth

  1. That's a shame to be honest, though as mentioned the whole certification thing is probably devalued due to people cheating. I can assure you that people who actually gain them fairly can be very knowledgeable in MS server products. The majority of well paid Infrastructure support /design jobs that use Microsoft stuff ask for them. I was interviewed for a systems admin job within the NHS recently and at an MCSA was the minimum requirement My friend is IT Director at the NHS here in Leeds and they use CISCO and will not touch MCSE cert peeps. I suppose it depends on the PCT / personal opinions of the person interviewing / and the job description. I.e if the job was for a server admin I'm not sure why a Cisco certifiaction would be looked at in favour of an MS cert? The first support job I found here http://www.cwjobs.co.uk/JobSearch/JobDetai...mp;LIds2=eG,B_H Mentions "The ideal candidate will hold an MCP certification (or higher, or similar)" As with all professions imho, nothing beats actual hands on experience, I just think MS certs get a bad press when they are canny useful.
  2. That's a shame to be honest, though as mentioned the whole certification thing is probably devalued due to people cheating. I can assure you that people who actually gain them fairly can be very knowledgeable in MS server products. The majority of well paid Infrastructure support /design jobs that use Microsoft stuff ask for them. I was interviewed for a systems admin job within the NHS recently and at an MCSA was the minimum requirement
  3. Wow that companies expensive lol! I think i'll be going down the self taught route and just buy the books, download windows server and set up a mini network in the house. Just out of interest I'm presuming Windows Server 2008 is the current platform most businesses will be using, but I can only find training packs for 2003. Is the MCSE based on 2003 now obsolete? The self tought route is the best like I say, make sure you set up a home lab as practice is essential Aye QA are expensive but that's for their training courses . Work have sent me on them a few times for Ms server and Exchange and stuff, they are good though. What I meant it, QA is the closest examination centre, the price of the exams are the same everywhere and last time I checked there are roughly £100 per exam. They have scrapped the name MCSE for 2008 and created a new acronym MS Technology specialist or something. Most companies getting new servers will obviously be looking at server 2008 or exchange 2007, but loads of places still use server 2003, and alot of technology jobs still ask for server 2003 certification. Its up to you though Ok thats really helpful, thank you! I think i'd be best off learning 2003 as tbh i've not touched networks since 2000 and even then that was only briefly. If I learn 2003 then i'm sure the step up to 2008 wont be that big anyway so its the best place to start. I'll ask at work if they will pay for my exams if I teach myself should they refuse the £1,000 course I was looking at. Would you say its fairly easy to teach yourself using the training packs? How long did each MCP take you to learn? I did my first exam (XP) in Nov 2006 and did my last one (Exchange 2003) In Nov 2008, thats a long time for 4 exams, I just find it difficult to motivate myself to be honest - I think im naturally lazy! Personally I have found that I cannot get myself into study mode until I book my exam, and I reckon about 2 hours a night for about 2 months for each exam, you might try it and find you need more time or less time. get virtual PC from Microsoft (its free) and download the operating systems on 120 day trials and get experience installing and configuring Xp and Server 2003. A combination of video training / reading and practice will work. Pm me an email address and I'll dig out some resources you can use.
  4. Wow that companies expensive lol! I think i'll be going down the self taught route and just buy the books, download windows server and set up a mini network in the house. Just out of interest I'm presuming Windows Server 2008 is the current platform most businesses will be using, but I can only find training packs for 2003. Is the MCSE based on 2003 now obsolete? The self tought route is the best like I say, make sure you set up a home lab as practice is essential Aye QA are expensive but that's for their training courses . Work have sent me on them a few times for Ms server and Exchange and stuff, they are good though. What I meant it, QA is the closest examination centre, the price of the exams are the same everywhere and last time I checked there are roughly £100 per exam. They have scrapped the name MCSE for 2008 and created a new acronym MS Technology specialist or something. Most companies getting new servers will obviously be looking at server 2008 or exchange 2007, but loads of places still use server 2003, and alot of technology jobs still ask for server 2003 certification. Its up to you though
  5. I've just finished my MCSA and have 3 exams left to become MCSE certified. I paid for it through a training company who provided online training materials but it isnt worth it to be honest - The best thing to do it buy the books / dowload free training videos, articles on technet and set up a lab at home with Virtual PC's. EDIT: The closest place to Newcastle to do the exams, now that taitec in Kingston park closed, is qa in Washington http://www.qa.com/
  6. Anth

    Recommend a barber

    Have you tried Dom's in chapel house (I'm sure you said you were from the west end way) Or Hastings in Denton Burn? He has a dart board for while you are waiting.
  7. Has anyone had a flick through the pdf document of the case on the premier leagues site http://www.premierleague.com/staticFiles/c...6~147392,00.pdf This bit stood out to me about Gonzalez Moreover, no one at the Club had ever seen him play. However, notwithstanding that he made it clear not only to Mr Wise but also to Mr Jimenez and to Mr Ashley that he very strongly objected to the signing of Mr Gonzalez (he was to be signed on loan with an option to purchase), the Club proceeded with the deal and the transfer was concluded the following day, on 31 August 2008. The Club did so, according to its witnesses who gave evidence before us, because it was in the Club’s commercial interests to do so. It was what the Club described as a “commercial deal” by which the Club meant a deal which was in the commercial interests of the Club. The “commercial interests”, according to the Club, were that the signing of the player on loan would be a “favour” to two influential South American agents who would look favourably on the Club in the future. I might be completely naive, but that sounds dodgy like!
  8. Assuming he is right, what would this prolonged living do to population levels?
  9. Anth

    Peep show

    Starts Friday. Anyone looking forward to this? I hope its as good as 1-4. Thought 5 was predictable and a bit gash in comparison!
  10. Anth

    Channel Four Now

    Threads like this are the reason why I love this forum!
  11. Thanks very much Gemmill, for both the advice and the witty put down!
  12. I wonder that caused it then? Anyway this just highlights my need to be more organised when it comes to keeping stuff like receipts! You live and learn I suppose....
  13. I think is used cash, what a fucker! Thanks for the advice thoough.
  14. Basically I think Its fucked.... I have one of the newish really slim Nano models and left my cable at work and had no way of charging it up. So I borrowed my sisters ipod mains charger for a different type of nano (the square one). It made a horrendous screeching noise when I plugged it in and now whenever I try it the noise coming out is completely crackly and I cannot hear the music. I think I know the answer to this already (no) but can this be fixed? Also, I don't have the receipt, but do have the manufacturers warranty. Its less than a year old, can I ring apple to get a replacement? (Im 28 going 12 when it comes to sorting stuff like this out)
  15. They would look waxa with a pair of black levis and a berghaus
  16. Did you see Xe (formerly Blackwater) were doing covert ops as a contractor for the CIA under Bush, and not just the basic transparent security (by which I mean the open slaughter of Iraqi citizens). Source I've watched a few documentaries on blackwater in Iraq, I really cant believe they got away with half the stuff they did over there. Total mercenaries.
  17. If someone could pm me the a stream I would be most greateful!
  18. Ah I see, remember that film even though I was fairly young last time I saw it. Remember the tune they used to communicate with
  19. Jimbo, that looks absolutley brilliant! Its a shame I can't see anything like from my window. Where is that? Also, speaking of nasa and stuff has anyone seen Capricorn one?
  20. I quite like them, especially this one..
  21. Cant see the link at work but I'm excited by this. One and Two were works of art, though I never got round to trying the third one. Maybe its time to look it up!
  22. I once met a girl in a club wearing a Mitre T-shirt, and ended up back at hers on Stanhope street. Not one of my finer moments
  23. Anth


    Craig, How do you feel about him being asked to get stripped 3 times at the Villa Game? (Think it was alex who mentioned it) Assuming its true? Not having a dig or anything as I know it must be difficult to motivate yourself whilst being employed by the current lot, but then again surely he sould be up for it for the fans? Hmmm difficult one
  24. Have a gander at this... Office Compatability
  25. I still owe the Student loans company about £12,000 as I havent paid a penny since I left Uni even though I earn over the threshold. Part of me thinks they've forgotten about me, and part of me thinks I might get bent over fairly soon
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