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Everything posted by Anth

  1. http://documentaryheaven.com/category/conspiracy/ is fairly decent for NWO illuminati stuff, whether all of the content is true or not they are canny interesting!
  2. Aye sorry mate, I went in like a bull in a chinashop with my reply - Should have noted the wink. I consider myself wooshed
  3. No worries, Its pretty difficult to judge peoples meaning and feelings when you see things in text, rather than hear them, I was probably wooshed by the bloke who made the comments for all I know. Sorry If I seemed a bit arsey telling you to re-read too.
  4. Thanks Alex, of course I was. It was a sarcastic remark as I assumed the bloke above was serious when he said the person executed couldnt be British due to his name, Rob W picked up on his comment too. If you'd like to take a deep breath and re read the whole thread you'll see I actually posted that I thought the execution was completley wrong!
  5. 88 Comrade - Thanks to the chinese there is one less paki in the world!
  6. Yeah I also found this pretty sad. Whilst I don't agree with the death penalty, I understand If you break the law in China you are subjected to Chinese Law, BUT.... I read the other day the bloke tried to start an Airline company with no money a few years ago, and was actually in China trying to start a Pop career. Clearly not 100% sane if you ask me.
  7. A few people have mentioned he's a twat like. Think it was Noel Feilding who said when he introduces comedians he shortens the Mic stand and screws it as tight has he can so the act has to spend the first few minutes sorting it out and. Heard the stuff about claiming all the credit for phoenix nights before too!
  8. Apologies for being a mong, but what does CLS stand for?
  9. Agree about the clay oven like. They do brilliant curry pizzas. Chicken chat pizza is fantastic!
  10. I've always thought it looked really shit. Are they any good?
  11. Or, that her perception of drugs is a bad thing and that everything in moderation is ok from time to time. Though in this instance, I suppose you could be right
  12. Aye a line - Shes a teacher so thought Id commited a cardinal sin, bringing it in the house and that, so fair play to her sort of. I see much more of my friends now so it is better, just cant seem to get her out of my head. Shes from Newbiggin-by-the-sea so I think Ive had a lucky escape
  13. Having a line or dressed up in her gear again, she sounds fucking ruthless by the way. how the fuck did you guess that? Got caught having a line.... Logically I dont know why I'm bothered, she could be a right nightmare and liked her own way. I spent most of my time when I was with her wishing I wasnt, no were kaput, I feel lost
  14. You have my Sympathy, I've learned this year that women are snakes! I was caught doing something I shouldnt have (not cheating) on nye 2008 and was thrown out on New years day. I tried to win her round for months with long emails phone calls, offerings to nice meals, walks and other stuff. Whilst never really replying much, she always insinuated that one day we would get back together, even asking me to select a list of restaurants she likes and she would choose one, only for me to rack my brains and for her to turn round and say she wasnt up to eating in public once I'd chosen. Eventually she deicieded after 6 months of me trying she couldn't forgive me. I mean If she had have said in Jan there was no way back I would have accepted it - I just feel like she always knew I didnt stand a chance but strung me along for months, and bearing in mind I was with her 6 years and went through some shit together like her dads death and stuff Argh!
  15. The un edited version of question time.
  16. Its like watching David Brent represent the BNP!
  17. Firt lad who asked a question had a Newcastle top on - Get in!
  18. Christ I remember watching that when it was on. These BNP women were holding a demo about the opening of a new mosque. When someone declined to listen to them one of the women shouted something like "What about when one of them rapes your daughter" Aye because there are only muslims rapists like Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves as pointed out
  19. Aye sometimes it seems like your project becomes more about the processes than the actual outcome It would be quite easy to miss a deadline worrying about "managing stage boundries" or perfecting your risk log.
  20. It had to do Prince2 at the start of the year, and it was hellish, not in a hard way, more in a keeping your eyes open way. I suppose it does help structure project work though. I've never had that problem when I have been on Microsoft courses to be honest, on all of the courses I have done the trainers have been keeping their hand in industry and know their stuff. I dont think the issue is whether the trainer is Cisco or Microsoft, like you say, your man worked in IT as well as training which helps.
  21. Agree, I honestly think the questions from the audience will crucify him.
  22. Eric Cantona? Nah in all seriousness I completely agree. I read somewhere he claims to have kicked the racists out of hist party.. I remember watching a youtube video with him giving a talk on why appointing Barak Obama was a bad move as it would make unintelligent black people believe they should have the right to high powered jobs -wtf!!!
  23. The CCNA is highly regarded and alot of places use Cisco kit for their infrastructure, I suppose it depends on what you fancy doing job wise, networking jobs may ask for cisco where as server admin jobs will ask for qualifications in Operating systems / applications etc, some jobs will overlap and ask for both, all in my humble opinion of course I think the next stage of my career would be best served teaching MCSE/MCITP so I think i'll do the MCITP and then once i'm qualified study the CCNA. I'm not very experienced when it comes to networking so probably starting off with MCITP might be the best step as I do have some undertanding of Windows enviroments and installing software on LAN's from a previous job.... not that I remember much of it now but it might come flooding back to me once I start learning. Even if the MS stuff requires you learn networking to a certain degree, with subjects such as routing and subnetting. Cisco guides are best for that though. They do a brilliant ip addressing and subnetting guide on their website
  24. The CCNA is highly regarded and alot of places use Cisco kit for their infrastructure, I suppose it depends on what you fancy doing job wise, networking jobs may ask for cisco where as server admin jobs will ask for qualifications in Operating systems / applications etc, some jobs will overlap and ask for both, all in my humble opinion of course
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