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Everything posted by Anth

  1. According to the mail he's posted a hitlist on Facebook, the lasses half sister is on it, smart move calling him names like! She came across as common as fuck on the bbc yesterday. "Eez a proper nutter marn" Who else is on the list? More of her family members apparently. He's also meant to have sent a hand written letter to police. Full on headcase like
  2. According to the mail he's posted a hitlist on Facebook, the lasses half sister is on it, smart move calling him names like!
  3. Where abouts is this, denton burn way?
  4. That round about is 2 mins drive from mine! Scary stuff.... Hope the fucker is found soon, though he doesnt look like the kind of bloke to come quietly....
  5. I work for a local Authority in the North East and out of the 7000 non school posts, 1000 are getting the chop. Bugger!
  6. Finished week one the other day (day three really hurt), should have started week two yesterday but felt shattered from a savage weekend. Day one of Week two starts tomorow!
  7. Aye, from what I have seen/read I thought it was the pipeline rather than natural resources. Does anyone know what type of resources found? Cant read the article from where I'm browsing.
  8. Reckon this could flare up Rob?
  9. I'm sure I read somewhere that Iran have offered the services of the Revolutionary Gaurd to escort the next aid shipment.
  10. Anth


    Anybody watching Breaking Bad? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breaking_Bad Its basically about a chemistry teacher (Brian Cranston) who finds out he has terminal cancer. After worrying about how his family will cope when he's gone he starts cooking crystal meth with an ex pupil. It doesnt help that his Brother in law is a DEA agent. Throw a Mexican Drug Cartel into the mix and it starts to get interesting. Really good program.
  11. You seem clued up on this shit, will pushups help shift my moobs? I'm also doing cardio as well like as I know that will help. Pushups will tone your chest but won't actually shift any fat. You need cardio and a clean diet for that. I suggest High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This is basically any form of intensive anaeorobic activity followed by rest. i.e. Sprint 50 metres, walk back to the start, sprint 50 metres, walk back to the start. Repeat for as long as you can (I aim for 20 minutes). This pisses all over aerobic (steady activity for longer periods) for fat loss. Hill sprints are a killer but another great way of dropping fat. Basically as above but find a hill with a decent gradient. I'll try this interval training, at the min Im running between 4-6 miles 3 times a week at a steady pace and dont seem to be able to get lower than 13 clem. Also helps if you're doing something you enjoy. Running bores the arse off me. Boxing is my sport and although I don't do it competitively anymore I still get down the gym a fair bit. Knacking the bags and sparring is far better than pounding the pavement and a great stress relaease. Aye running can get tedious, Ive starded Badminton though with a mate, I thought it would be fairly easy but it buckled me and it was good fun. Whatever keeps you motivated - I'd say squash is a bit more macho than badminton however...... Ive never bothered looking up the rules for squash like, Badminton isnt macho like but Its good fun!
  12. You seem clued up on this shit, will pushups help shift my moobs? I'm also doing cardio as well like as I know that will help. Pushups will tone your chest but won't actually shift any fat. You need cardio and a clean diet for that. I suggest High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This is basically any form of intensive anaeorobic activity followed by rest. i.e. Sprint 50 metres, walk back to the start, sprint 50 metres, walk back to the start. Repeat for as long as you can (I aim for 20 minutes). This pisses all over aerobic (steady activity for longer periods) for fat loss. Hill sprints are a killer but another great way of dropping fat. Basically as above but find a hill with a decent gradient. I'll try this interval training, at the min Im running between 4-6 miles 3 times a week at a steady pace and dont seem to be able to get lower than 13 clem. Also helps if you're doing something you enjoy. Running bores the arse off me. Boxing is my sport and although I don't do it competitively anymore I still get down the gym a fair bit. Knacking the bags and sparring is far better than pounding the pavement and a great stress relaease. Aye running can get tedious, Ive starded Badminton though with a mate, I thought it would be fairly easy but it buckled me and it was good fun.
  13. You seem clued up on this shit, will pushups help shift my moobs? I'm also doing cardio as well like as I know that will help. Pushups will tone your chest but won't actually shift any fat. You need cardio and a clean diet for that. I suggest High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This is basically any form of intensive anaeorobic activity followed by rest. i.e. Sprint 50 metres, walk back to the start, sprint 50 metres, walk back to the start. Repeat for as long as you can (I aim for 20 minutes). This pisses all over aerobic (steady activity for longer periods) for fat loss. Hill sprints are a killer but another great way of dropping fat. Basically as above but find a hill with a decent gradient. I'll try this interval training, at the min Im running between 4-6 miles 3 times a week at a steady pace and dont seem to be able to get lower than 13 clem. Sometimes that's your bodies way of telling you you're at the right weight however if you're blessed with Moobs then I doubt that's the case. As DG mentioned you need a calorie deficit to lose weight. It's no good training your arse off whilst still nailing pies and bathing in Guinness. To be honest I used to be skinnier than that until I discovered beer at Uni, I suppose I just want to loose me gut and moobs though Im not obsessive about or or anything!
  14. I miss him talking about himself in third person! Did he ever resurface after the thread about body building? I'm pretty sure he had some sort of breakdown or episode iirc?
  15. You seem clued up on this shit, will pushups help shift my moobs? I'm also doing cardio as well like as I know that will help. Pushups will tone your chest but won't actually shift any fat. You need cardio and a clean diet for that. I suggest High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This is basically any form of intensive anaeorobic activity followed by rest. i.e. Sprint 50 metres, walk back to the start, sprint 50 metres, walk back to the start. Repeat for as long as you can (I aim for 20 minutes). This pisses all over aerobic (steady activity for longer periods) for fat loss. Hill sprints are a killer but another great way of dropping fat. Basically as above but find a hill with a decent gradient. I'll try this interval training, at the min Im running between 4-6 miles 3 times a week at a steady pace and dont seem to be able to get lower than 13 clem.
  16. You seem clued up on this shit, will pushups help shift my moobs? I'm also doing cardio as well like as I know that will help.
  17. Nice one, I will have a gander when I get in!
  18. Read about these chemtrails before, briefly. Do you believe this Parky?
  19. Good technique. My motto is why do it today if it can be put off until tomorrow! That needs to change though
  20. Started this the other day in a bid to loose my moobs. So far so good, I just need to stick with it. I'm great at starting something, missing it once then forgetting about it for about 3 months!
  21. Anth


    One rule for teams like this and another If you're West Ham
  22. By the way I think this thread has caused me to do fuck all at work today like! Life was so much simpler back then..
  23. Wasnt Beaties was it? Was it Beattie's? Fucking hell, yes! That was it. Loved that place. Down on Pilgrim St just past the Odeon cinema wasn't it? Fucking hell yes. Glass shelving with metal framework and nylon carpet. My mam convinced me it was deterrent to stop you picking things up and instead 'look with your eyes' Oh yes.. had loads of them - there was a craze in school to get a compass and scratch off half the 'N' and the final 'A' on the Fanta ones so it said 'Fart' *snigger* Aye that's it. Became the NEEB iirc. What was that neet club past the bus stop called again heading East still opposite the OB station, THE biggest dive there's ever been in Newcastle, I can't remember it's name though. Wasnt buzz or something like that was it?
  24. It was a Hamleys. Not sure what it was before that. Might have been built for that actually. Nice one, It didnt last very long did it? Hamley's was there in 1990 I know that much, cos I remember it being there during the 1990 World Cup. I tell you how I remember, a ridiculous amount of kids from schools all over the city would descend on McDonalds on Northumberland Street during the World Cup, because they had these scratch cards, and I think it was no purchase necessary. You'd scratch the question at the top and they were piss easy for me, cos football was my life, "who was top scorer in the 78 World Cup", well every fucka knows it's Kempes, once you'd done that, you scratched your prize at the bottom and the worst it ever was, was chips, so it was always mobbed that summer, and Hamley's was next door. Speaking of free things from Food and drink type stuff, can you remember coca cola/fanta/sprite yo-yos?
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