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  1. Was there a Dad and Boyfriend option on the same shelf?
  2. That has to be the most bizarre post to come from that forum, and thats quite a feat.
  3. I'll see your person at at a gig in Newcastle wearing a Newcastle top, and raise you an MLF during the Florida storms wearing a top he's probably had on since Ponteyland Airport
  4. Definately the most likely outcome McMackem mate!
  5. I'd be keeping a low profile with regards to smashing up City centres as well like if I was them
  6. Aye with Newcastle having two Unis and a colleage you'll get people from all over the region milling about in the Town centre. The idea of spotting someone in a Sunderland top, whipping your phone out, logging into a forum and posting about it for virtual high fives doesn't compute to me like. It seems mental viewing life through such a prism of hate for your nieghbours up the road. But then again if they'll try and prize bus doors open to get at petrified African migrants whilst smashing up your town centre, mag calling must seem pretty trivial to them, the set of cunts.
  7. Has it been confirmed if these knackers are due in Newcastle City centre at all? I've heard rumours of tomorrow or Saturday but nothing concrete. I take me old man out a few times a week and need to to know when to avoid the town like.
  8. It's mental like. Like one of the news clips from Robocop
  9. https://youtu.be/OvXMdb3akvk?si=9pcmV26zaW5vRWI5 feels like some dystopian 80s move like the running man. Expecting Jesse Ventura next dressed as captain freedom from the running man to make an appearance!
  10. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/amanda-staveley-to-invest-in-tottenham.1637004/page-7#post-41086334 There will be some wearside siaters getting mounted with glee tonight going off the wild theories, "imagine ifs" and ITKs who've heard its on!
  11. You can add trying to set about Chris Coleman to that list as well
  12. I have time for the mad mistake I think he's called that. Seems like a genuine lad and just passionate about his club without the vitriol of the smb
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