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About khay

  • Birthday 06/05/1985

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  1. Wants to know while they feel like their falling forever.
  2. Seems like a good appointment.
  3. Thinks I’m going to fall for their illusion.
  4. Needs to implement the sfw theme from the other place. So I can hide everyone’s avatar and sig. so everything is tidy.
  5. khay


    Take care Ant.
  6. Yeah I got confused the first time as well. Since he was at Roma as well. 😂
  7. You thinking of Daniel fonseca?
  8. I wish this guy would hurry up and leave this football club in the suitcase of Ashley.
  9. Let me know if anyone picks up the Vita version. I'd be very interested to hear how you find it. Its not out in the USA yet.
  10. did half a season as milan and after a bad start was looking good for a title push. before i then started another save.... I missed the part when they let Italian teams now have 12 subs though. Thought it was a bug!
  11. Its out now and they now have a in game editor for an extra 6$ only for the full mode.
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