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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Locke is canny on 8 out of 10 cats but when he had to carry a show on his own like when he did TV Heaven, Telly Hell he was weak as piss. Awkward and not particularly funny.
  2. I'm one of the people who will often hold a door open for someone without a second thought, however what is the appropriate time to hold the door for? Or in other words how close has a person got to be from a door before you stop and hold it. A few times I've not held it thinking they are too far and often thought "Should I have kept it held for them?" then other times I've waited and ended up looking like a divvy holding this door for a dogs age while someone shuffles towards it at a snails pace. So what is door holding etiquette?
  3. Just watched it in the house. Watched the Paraguay match in The Demi and then stayed out all day so am broke.
  4. Faceplant at the end of it as well. It looked like a certain goal though. 149334[/snapback] Aye it wasn't a good landing. Still 0-0. I'd have taken that and the 2-0 at the beginning of the day.
  5. Quality goal-line clearence there mind. The bloke covered a ridiculous amount of ground.
  6. All the best, Happy Birthday.
  7. Grace and Nikki are up for eviction. Well thats what I've read.
  8. Even with Crooks, Motson and Lawreson. The Beeb are still streets ahead of ITV.
  9. She certainly looks bap-tastic in that clip. Good work.
  10. I'd happily bring back Calvin and Hobbes if someone could stick and england shirt on each.
  11. Thats what I've been twisting my face about the past few months. We're having to head up at 12 to make sure we can get a seat. Even then we might not get one. A prime example was the match against France in Euro 2004, iirc the French were tigtening the screws awhile before they equalised. It was getting pretty hairy, loads of them where dancing about and cheering despite it getting close, they were still doing it after the equaliser and upuntil their winner. Singing the usual "No Surrender" bollocks. Then after the match they all upped and fucked off with a shrug of their shoulders. we were fucking gutted. It all sounds a bit "supa-fan" but these are the fuckers that will be figting come 9 0@clock cos they can't handle their ale.
  12. I want in on this action too. I read the other thread with the vibrators etc. I think I've earned it.
  13. I've only heard Takk, which I really enjoy. Can't comment on the back catalogue but will investigate when I get some spare cash.
  14. All the best. Have a good one.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYUvndY95Yo...ch=doves%20fear Doves - There Goes the Fear Mew - Comforting Sounds. The 8 minute version of the song is better but there's no video for it. Mew-156 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAz7Sm1tD5c&search=mew%20156 Last me one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0twCDTEej4...h=mew%20special Mew - Special So not to disappoint Mark here's a couple for the bank: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddV_OEybiDo...ch=milian%20dip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnQLq_6VpLY&search=rihanna
  16. He didn't look too good in the imediate aftermath of the penalty but he seemed fine after that albeit still lacking match fitness.
  17. Hardly, half a million who has not put a decent shift in in the past two seasons is good enough for me. About time we made a profit, too. 144462[/snapback] I'd value him at about 1.5 144465[/snapback] With Bowyer (and probably Butt too) it's a case of getting the massive wages off the books more than getting a "fair" fee. His contract is up at the end of next season aswell.
  18. Send all the info onto ebay and Paypal and leave it to them. It's a blatent con, you were spot on with your first reaction.
  19. Richard or Lea will go. Sezer still has the "OMG!!!1111 Sezer iz so buff innitt!!!!!1111" vote, I reckon.
  20. Sezar is playing his hand a bit early. Even if he did say it in the diary room. He won't have impressed everyone watching at home, so if he does end up going up for eviction he could be in the shit. He can't act the arse for 11-12 weeks and expect to never be one of the ones up for eviction.
  21. Draught soft drinks are random, like. If you get it after the post-mix was changed then it's nice stuff. But once it's near the end then it's just coloured soda water (or not if it's lemonade) and fucking rank.
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