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The Mighty Hog

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Everything posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. I heard they were gonna give the alert status' a bit of an overhaul:
  2. Broken arm playing football when I was 15. Ate poisonous berries when I was a kid and apparently I got caught on the top of my head when my dad closed the car boot and it split it open. I do have a scar from it on the top of my head but you can't tell unless my hair is really short.
  3. Agreed. It's not even the best one liner in Phoenix Lights.
  4. She does nowt anyway. Unless you count gumming down her food like a granny or screaming like a lunatic when she doesn't get her own way.
  5. Quiet one again this weekend. Best man at my mates wedding next week so trying to save as much cash as possible. Could do without it being a bank holiday the following weekend aswell!
  6. It is, they re-released the first two earlier this year: http://www.hmv.co.uk/hmvweb/displayProduct...1;-1&sku=493576
  7. I completely forgot about Shameless, top notch telly. Sugar Rush is ok in a" throw-a-way, don't take it as a deep and meaningful series" kind of way. Missed it last night but the two episodes before were a bit shite.
  8. bump 175133[/snapback] Total Gash. It's overlong, smug and not half as clever as it thinks it is. Scrubs is canny, certainly the fist few series. I agree that the first few series of X-Files were good. I drifted away from it as the series went on. Quantum Leap is good, especially around series 2 and 3. I quite like Without a Trace aswell. My mate lent me all 4 series of 2 Girls and a Guy and I thought it was pretty good. Bit by the time I'd watched season 4 it was a bit overkill as I'd watched them in a short space of time. I nabbed the first two series of Peep Show when they were only £7.99 each. Cracking show. 175423[/snapback] Quantum Sleep 175428[/snapback]
  9. bump 175133[/snapback] Total Gash. It's overlong, smug and not half as clever as it thinks it is. Scrubs is canny, certainly the fist few series. I agree that the first few series of X-Files were good. I drifted away from it as the series went on. Quantum Leap is good, especially around series 2 and 3. I quite like Without a Trace aswell. My mate lent me all 4 series of 2 Girls and a Guy and I thought it was pretty good. Bit by the time I'd watched season 4 it was a bit overkill as I'd watched them in a short space of time. I nabbed the first two series of Peep Show when they were only £7.99 each. Cracking show.
  10. I'd say it's funny but not their best. August and September, Fuzzy and Working Class Hero are all better covers. I'll throw in Hold It! by Do Me Bad Things, Go Your Own Way by Seaweed and the obvious Suicide is Painless by The Manics.
  11. It tends to be fits and starts at the minute. Last drink I had was at my mates stag do just under two weeks ago, haven't had a drop since. Probably won't have anymore until the wedding on the 19th. With there being very little football on there hasn't been much in the way of pub trips either.
  12. Traore will always be a legend in my eyes for that own goal he scored against Burnley in the FA Cup a couple of seasons ago. 173023[/snapback] It was an amazing piece of skill.
  13. I just have the creme egg bars. Cuts out all the fannying about.
  14. I got an email this morning saying I've won a video ipod. I entered the competition ages ago. So the big question is are they much good or should I sling it on ebay?
  15. That's season 2, Shaq, I only know cos I watched a little over an hour ago.
  16. Beloved Aunt There's so much going on in that episode.
  17. Christ, a few blasts from the past there.
  18. HTT's house? Tied to a bed while he wields a sledgehammer?
  19. Watched Clerks 2 earlier this week. Enjoyed it. Not as good as the first one, but thats to be expected. The A2M bit seemed a tad overdone, like the desperately wanted to put something "taboo" in the film. There was something about Rosario Dawson when she was doing that dancing bit though.
  20. Well Shakira clearly believes in you:
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